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Correction/lettre motivation

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Correction/lettre motivation
Message de sarache posté le 16-02-2012 à 11:48:27 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît? j'ai urgemment besoin d'une correction pour cette lettre de motivation Erasmus que je dois rendre au plus tard lundi 20 février!
Merci pour vos réponses.

Dear sirs

I apply for an Erasmus departure to the university of Edinburgh or the university of York in Toronto for the school year 2012-2013, because, to my point of view, it is a great chance and opportunity for every students, and especially for those who study languages.
Although my choice is not definitive yet, I plane to specialize in translation and I think that having studied in an Anglophone country could gave me an easier access to translation's school.

Having already travelled a year in Australia, I acquired a taste for travelling and for the practice of English in everyday life. Moreover, this experience makes me evolved a lot in maturity and autonomy, indeed, during this year, I have learned to manage a budget for a long time period and to live far from my close relations, which, as a result, led me to face problems alone.
That is why I hope to succeed in convince you, so I could enjoy another experience of this kind.

About the destination, even though Canada and Scotland are very different countries, I have no marked preference for Edinburgh or Toronto. Indeed, I am very interesting in those tow different parts of the world and different cultures.

Despite my strong motivation and my true will to be part of the Erasmus program, I specified in the enclosed form that I do not commit myself to accepting the departure. Indeed, I am in a relationship with Nicolas Garnier, also a candidate for this program, and we cannot consider leaving one without the other.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-02-2012 13:51
Politesse. Nous ne travaillons pas dans l'urgence.

Réponse: Correction/lettre motivation de gerondif, postée le 17-02-2012 à 00:13:51 (S | E)
quelques erreurs qu'il vaut mieux corriger surtout si vous dites vouloir vous spécialiser en traduction.

Dear sirs

I apply(présent en ing préférable) for an Erasmus departure to the university of Edinburgh or to the university of York in Toronto for the school year 2012-2013, because, to my point of view, it is a great chance and opportunity for every students, and especially for those who study languages.
Although my choice is not definitive yet, I plane to specialize in translation and I think that having studied in an Anglophone country could gave me an easier access to a translation's school.

Having already travelled for a year in Australia, I acquired a taste for travelling and for the practice of English in everyday life. Moreover, this experience makes me evolved (prétérit) a lot in maturity and autonomy, indeed, during this year, I have learned (prétérit) to manage a budget for a long time period and to live far from my close relations, which, as a result, led me to face problems alone.
That is why I hope to succeed in convince(gérondif, ing) you, so I could enjoy another experience of this kind.

About the destination, even though Canada and Scotland are very different countries, I have no marked preference for Edinburgh or Toronto. Indeed, I am very interesting in those tow different parts of the world and different cultures.

Despite my strong motivation and my true will to be part of the Erasmus program, I specified in the enclosed form that I do not commit myself to accepting the departure (cela ne va pas les inciter à vous prendre). Indeed, I am in a relationship with Nicolas Garnier, also a candidate for this program, and we cannot consider leaving one without the other.(I don't picture myself leaving without him)


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