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Time frame/chart of tense

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Time frame/chart of tense
Message from tle posted on 13-02-2012 at 09:01:11 (D | E | F)
Dear All,

I am new here, I have read so many times about the time frame of 12 tenses in English language but I still can not draw the knot of those 12 tense in one line time frame. it really bring me a confusion when I use it.
Could you please help to give the clear tense flow chat which put those tense stand on one line?

Highly appreciate for any guidance.

Edited by lucile83 on 13-02-2012 10:38

Re: Time frame/chart of tense from stammer, posted on 16-02-2012 at 00:36:35 (D | E)
It's news to me that there are twelve tenses in English so I couldn't do one for you myself, but I found a chart-type diagram on Google which may be of use to you.

Re: Time frame/chart of tense from headway, posted on 16-02-2012 at 08:51:21 (D | E)

Here's another link:


Re: Time frame/chart of tense from tle, posted on 17-02-2012 at 05:37:27 (D | E)
Thanks all,

all of your sharing are prettily helpful, I will study and get back once any doubt pops up.

Edited by lucile83 on 18-02-2012 22:24

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Forum > English only

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