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Erasmus/Lettre Motivation

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Erasmus/Lettre Motivation
Message de nouillade posté le 31-01-2012 à 16:11:26 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !

Je suis en pleine procédure de dépôt de candidature Erasmus, et l'une des contraintes administratives est bien entendu de rédiger une lettre de motivation en anglais. J'ai réalisé un brouillon, et vous seriez tous vraiment d'une grande aide si vous pouviez pointer mes erreurs, maladresses et autres mauvaises formulations, car c'est bel et bien la première que je rédige en anglais, et je n'étais pas sûre de savoir quelles informations y insérer et du ton à adopter (formel ? personnel ?)

MON BROUILLON : (partie en italiques ne me satisfont pas)

Dear Sir, or Madam,

Presently being a third year student in Literature, Languages and Foreign Civilization (parcours enseignement), I really would like to condcut the first year of my Master's degree (Master 1 recherche en Traduction Littéraire et Traductologie)as part of the Erasmus Exchange Program, and I would like to submit to you my candidacy.
I quickly chose the University of Edinburgh, UK, for some of its courses will allow me to gain very valuable knowledge that I consider to be be essential for the continuation of my studies.
Indeed, it is my intention to explore and improve my academic formation in an anglo-saxon country : the discovery of a different approach regarding translation techniques, the creation of an English cultural baggage in general, the final and definitive acquisition of the English language in all its variations, as well as a good handling of linguistics are to my eyes more than necessary.

I am more than ready to be greatly and completely involved in this project, for (because?) my interest (passion ?) in foreign languages and anglophonic countries in general has been with me since highschool.
Furthermore, I am sure the Erasmus experience will bring me some credibility professionally speaking, and I hope an unforgettable human experience.

My definite interest in Scotland is also a great part of the reasons why I chose this particular destination. It is a country that has always culturally fascinated and attracted me. That is not to say that my other choices of destination are less important. Dublin, my second choice, is a wonderful traditional city that manages to hold on to its culture all the while being open to modernity and a certain European spirit. I had the chance to spend a little more than week in Dublin last october, and I only have good memories of it. As for my third choice, Sheffield, England, resulted from my interest in the courses they teach, and the geographical location, as I never had the chance to experience Northern England.

I would be glad to discuss in further details my motivations with my tutor. Thank you for the attention you might give to my request.



Merci énormément de votre aide éventuelle, j'aimerais bien mettre toutes les chances de mon côté.
Modifié par nouillade le 31-01-2012 16:11
Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2012 17:41
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