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Message from patrycja11 posted on 25-01-2012 at 17:50:30 (D | E | F)

I need your help please.
Could you please tell me what does the word gluggability means? And give me the one sentence example? I'm confused...

Thanks for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 25-01-2012 21:43

Re: Gluggability/meaning from gerondif, posted on 25-01-2012 at 18:19:56 (D | E)

I don't know this word, the dictionary in line gives:

gullible: adjective: means that you believe anything, you are naïve.

Gullibility is the corresponding noun.
Because of his extreme gullibility, we can make him believe anything !

BUT !!!

Now, when I post your word on google, it seems to exist! It seems to refer to wine, cider.....

".....Needless to say 'Gluggability' isn't a technical term but essential for those with a thirst for the finer fermented apple-based things in life. It allows you to gauge the ease, accessibility and 'quick-drinking cider buzz' of all of the fine cider products listed above. ..... "

"A very accessible wine with massive gluggability and a touch of class"

"Gluggability: How many gulps is it possible to down? (10 = drain the glass)"

"I mistakenly drank a whole bottle of this the other night; a testament to the dangerous gluggability of the Merlot grape"

"I think the Pinot fairs much better than the Chardonnay in the gluggability factor and I went back for some more, because it was easy and soft and what I’d called a pleasant village wine.

SO!! it seems to mean that a wine is easily drunk, gulped down....., you almost hear the noise the wine makes in your throat as you swallow it....

Well, I have learnt a new "word" !

Re: Gluggability/meaning from patrycja11, posted on 25-01-2012 at 19:54:19 (D | E)
Grand Village is all about young, refreshing gluggability – But in this context too??
maybe is it kind of flavour??

Re: Gluggability/meaning from gerondif, posted on 25-01-2012 at 20:10:14 (D | E)
I would say it is "the pleasure of drinking" a wine, and the urge to have some more.
in French "gouleyant" means lively, with a good attractive taste, maybe they forged a resembling word.

Re: Gluggability/meaning from sherry48, posted on 25-01-2012 at 22:48:51 (D | E)
Hello patrycja11.

New English words are created from time to time, but this one is new to me. It could be a form of the onomatopoeic word 'glug'. It's the sound that a person makes when they drink something quickly. I wouldn't use it in any important writing.
Good night to you.

Re: Gluggability/meaning from patrycja11, posted on 25-01-2012 at 23:05:34 (D | E)
I stumbled upon it by accident. in article Link
>(Gluggability four out of five stars) so now I am confused

Re: Gluggability/meaning from violet91, posted on 26-01-2012 at 11:06:17 (D | E)
Hello , all ...

I completely forgot about speaking English .

I've also learnt a new word with this ' debate' about the effect of tasting, appreciating and drinking a good wine such as a ' Bordeaux ' one or else !
' Drinkability ' wasn't enough . Gustation and gustativity , either .
Well , as I am not a ' knight ' yet , but think of joining a course for that ...I'll now know a bit
more , when I exchange on the subject .

Thanks !! ( gouleyant ' was a proper and lovely term ) How about creating ' gouleyable ' ?

Re: Gluggability/meaning from spigalam, posted on 26-01-2012 at 16:08:14 (D | E)

It refers to some sort of beverage which is easy to drink quickly and voluminously.

Re: Gluggability/meaning from gerondif, posted on 26-01-2012 at 18:44:43 (D | E)
"to drink quickly and voluminously"???

if that is really the case, I am sorry they invented that word ! A wine should be drunk slowly, you should relish it (a wonderful verb!)("gouleyable" would have been great,Violet! ). Maybe the "Gluggability" goes along with "binge-drinking" where the idea is to get drunk as quickly as possible, no matter what the quality of the wine is.

It's a pity this is the "English only forum", I could have invented plenty of translations for this word ( for instance: "l'engloutissabilité" a word that doesn't exist in French of course)

Re: Gluggability/meaning from spigalam, posted on 26-01-2012 at 19:08:44 (D | E)

I am not talking about wine because this word was not specially invented for wine but to characterise all beverage.

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