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Negation /often

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Negation /often
Message from yousef posted on 29-12-2011 at 09:34:26 (D | E | F)
Hello dear members.

I hope you are doing well.
Could you please help me about how I can negate the adverb often!

This is the sentence:
I often play video games (Negative)

Many thanks : )

Edited by lucile83 on 29-12-2011 10:47

Re: Negation /often from ndege, posted on 29-12-2011 at 10:40:40 (D | E)
I understand that you are asking for the opposite meaning (that is antonym) of often, then just look it up in a dictionary with antonyms.
Have a nice day,

Re: Negation /often from lucile83, posted on 29-12-2011 at 10:53:44 (D | E)

Here is a dictionary on line with synonyms and antonyms:


Re: Negation /often from yousef, posted on 29-12-2011 at 12:09:12 (D | E)
to all of you

So, the answer will be as follows :

I am not often playing video games

Is this right?

Re: Negation /often from lucile83, posted on 29-12-2011 at 12:12:55 (D | E)

it would be:
I rarely/seldom play video games

Antonym = opposite

Re: Negation /often from sherry48, posted on 29-12-2011 at 14:29:14 (D | E)
Hello yousef

If you want to use often, instead of an antonym, you could say 'I don't often play video games'. This adverb of frequency is often placed at the end of the sentence, so it is commonly stated....'I don't play video games (very) often'.
I hope this answers your question.

Edited by sherry48 on 29-12-2011 14:29

Edited by sherry48 on 30-12-2011 13:34

Re: Negation /often from lucile83, posted on 29-12-2011 at 14:36:21 (D | E)
Hello sherry

The question of this topic is:
how can I negate the adverb often?
not: how can I negate the verb?

Thus, change the verb into the negative may be wrong.
The only thing is to use the opposite/antonym of the adverb 'often'.
Do you agree?

Re: Negation /often from jonquille, posted on 29-12-2011 at 16:38:24 (D | E)
I'll put in my "two cents worth"....since I love starting discussions!

In fact, I think you are all correct!

The original question:

Could you please help me about how I can negate the adverb often?

asked to negate the adverb. So Lucile, I agree with you.

However, the example given

This is the sentence:
I often play video games (Negative)

only states "negative"....it does not say whether to make the sentence or the adverb negative. Perhaps it was part of an exercise, in which the directions were stated at the beginning. But taking the example at face value (what we only see in front of us), then Sherry is also correct.

So, I suppose the real question is... what are the exact directions for the entire exercise?

Happy New Year to all!

Re: Negation /often from lucile83, posted on 29-12-2011 at 17:01:19 (D | E)
Hello jonquille!

Glad to see you !!
and thanks for your point of view
Let's wait for yousef; hope he will be more precise about what he's expecting

to you as well

Re: Negation /often from chrislondon, posted on 29-12-2011 at 17:06:49 (D | E)
Maybe what they're looking for is the negative adverb plus inversion:
Not often do I play video games.
It's very formal but it is the negative of the adverb.
Best Wishes

Re: Negation /often from lucile83, posted on 29-12-2011 at 17:14:31 (D | E)
chris !
Good idea as well!

What do you think np? come on...

Re: Negation /often from sherry48, posted on 30-12-2011 at 00:02:44 (D | E)
Hello Lucile.
I see what you mean, it does say negating an adverb! I was responding more to yousef's second post, and how to fix his example...(I am not often playing video games). Jonquille is right, we can't be sure of the exact directions for this exercise. Sherry

Edited by lucile83 on 30-12-2011 10:19OK then sherry

Re: Negation /often from notrepere, posted on 30-12-2011 at 06:14:19 (D | E)

I agree that the directions are confusing to say the least! For instance, does he mean "How often can I negate the adverb"? Well, the answer is "As often as you'd like" Or equally "How can I often negate the adverb"? The answer would be the same: "Every chance you can get!"

But, my own personal suspicion is that he wants an antonym of "often". For that, I think Lucile's answer is perfect.

Re: Negation /often from lucile83, posted on 30-12-2011 at 08:37:29 (D | E)
thanks for your point of view np! you may be right as well
We have to wait for yousef now...
Anyway we had some fun

Re: Negation /often from yousef, posted on 31-12-2011 at 07:24:14 (D | E)
Thanks to all of you. lucile83, ndege, sherry48, jonquille, chrislondon, notrepere your contributions are highly appreciated.

Anyhow, I told my DR. at university that this question is a little bit confusing and silly at the same time. Also, the direction of this question in not so clear!

I wrote what you have wrote and show him

He says that all answers are possible such as:

I rarely/seldom play video games (lucile83)
It is right, but the Dr. does not want the antonym.
I told him that the question does not mention to use or not use the antonyms!!!

'I don't often play video games'. (sherry48) OR
'I don't play video games (very) often'.

This will be the more accurate

"I am not often playing video games"
My answer, and not acceptable because I change the verb to "ING"

Anyway, thanks a lot for your cooperation
Happy new year to all of you

Re: Negation /often from lucile83, posted on 31-12-2011 at 08:05:22 (D | E)
Well, that's very clear now!
The way you asked the question was confusing (...how I can negate the adverb often);
you should have asked: ...how I can negate the verb! but it sounds too easy,doesn't it?

Anyway, thanks to you, all of us are famous in your country now
Happy New Year and best wishes!

Re: Negation /often from kiki1985, posted on 07-01-2012 at 05:27:13 (D | E)
Hello ,

I think the answer you want is as follows:
I hardly play video games

Edited by lucile83 on 07-01-2012 09:14

Re: Negation /often from sherry48, posted on 07-01-2012 at 17:44:39 (D | E)
Hello kiki1985.
Your answer is possible if you add the word 'ever'. Have a nice day. Sherry

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