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Maty33 /English speaking penpal

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Maty33 /English speaking penpal
Message de maty33 posté le 26-12-2011 à 19:13:57 (S | E | F)
Hello I am Catherine from France (50) and I'd like to improve my english conversation! I'd like to have help thank you

Modifié par bridg le 26-12-2011 19:22

Réponse: Maty33 /English speaking penpal de houbahouba, postée le 27-12-2011 à 10:27:30 (S | E)
Hey Catherine;

I would be glad to help you but I am not sure my level is good enough for you.
I am a B2 regarding ELAO testing.

I live in Belgium and I am 48.

Take care.


Réponse: Maty33 /English speaking penpal de eucons, postée le 13-01-2012 à 16:13:32 (S | E)
Hello Maty,
I'm Eugenie from Cameroon, 27 years. I'm here to improve on my way of using english (french also) as well, so as to be perfertly bilingual. It's true we are originally french speakers, but I believe we can improve ourselves altogheter.
So, I'll be happy to have you as my penpal with whom I will improve on my english as well as yours.
So, are you ready for the first lesson ?


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