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Parachute /Correction

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Parachute /Correction
Message from dennis17 posted on 13-12-2011 at 15:08:55 (D | E | F)

I made my homework "Cool Hobbies" and I dont know if I spelled right, can you help me please ?
Thank you for your answers.
Here is my homework:

Geronimo (Title text)

April 15th, my birthday, and the day when General Todd Lopez recruited me in the U.S.A. Army, to be a spy in the german base, and destroy all the nazi tank’s that are prepared to break America in pieces, Todd said to me “Dennis, mate, you are the chosen one to do this, don’t back away from a chance like this to save U.S.A. after you’r finish you will get a nice and shiny medal” and I said in my mind “Yeah sure, like I care of that medal, my brown skin is in trouble!”. Day after day, and the 20th April was coming, the day when I was to jump of an heli. 19th the day before my mission, I was so tired, and I was only thinking “how in the world I could jump in the german base with a parachute and no nazi to see me, I need some invisible clothes to do that, and I started to worry why am I doing this”. In the morning at 5:00 AM I was sleeping like a bear on hibernation, when Lct. John Spod throwed some water on my head, after that I woke up, and beat him, then I putted some clothes on me and waited for the general Todd near the heli to wish me some kind of luck, he said to me “Denis are you sure you gonna make this ? Because if you get caught you’r like in a trap with snakes, some venomus snakes” and I said to the general “ Boss, I don’t do this for me, I do this for my country” the general replied to me “Denis you are one brave man to do this, but don’t forget, you just buyed yourself a ticket to a horror movie, and the he said to me Gluck (In deutch means goodluck)” then I was getting in the heli wondering what that chinesee word could mean, after that I joined the crew and they said to be I will jump off the heli from 2000m, then I was really scared, my brain was very tight in thinking and I was only scared, the pilot said to prepare to jump, I was so scared and fear was in my head only saying “don’t jump, don’t jump” I opened fast the exit door from the helicopter and my feet started to go forward and my movements was freak, when I jumped I said to the pilots goodbye and screamed as powerful I could GERONIMO, after I reached the 1500m I realized I jumped without my parachute! I was so nervous, I was thinking at the best moments in my life, as I was falling i started to move my body and woke up from a strange dream, when I was watching at the clock, it was 8:00AM, Ouh, again late for the math hour.

Edited by lucile83 on 14-12-2011 07:17

Re: Parachute /Correction from roberto-t, posted on 14-12-2011 at 03:36:23 (D | E)
There is a prompting frame under you message "Check spelling"

Edited by lucile83 on 14-12-2011 07:21

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