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Message from ora1 posted on 10-12-2011 at 03:35:39 (D | E | F)

Could you help me please with my exercise?
Thank you for your answers.

There have recently been _______ serious discussions about the relationship between race and intelligence.
1.a good degree of
2.a high quantity of
3.a good deal of
4.a large amount of <----

_____________ that strangers can be harmful, the boy refuses to talk to anyone he does not know.
1.To be taught
2.Had been taught <----
3.Having been taught
4.To be teaching

Not only __________ to accommodate over 500 residents, this huge housing project also has a plan to create picturesque lake around the residential areas.
1.does it design
2.did it design
3.had it been designed <----
4.has it been designed

He is soaking wet; he _________ in the rain
1.might be caught
2.must be caught <----
3.might have caught
4.must have been caught

Having lived in Thailand for seven years, Anne _______ Thai with al1 of her Thai friends.
1.used to speak
2.is used to speak
3.used to speaking
4.is used to speaking <----

The judges revealed yesterday that ___________ perfomers managed to move the audience with their songs.
2.most the
3.some of <-----
4.none of the

New research suggests that volcanic eruption millions of years ago __________.
1.could cause
2.would cause
3.might have caused <----
4.should have caused

Besides Chad and Rwanda, the Republic of the Congo is another ____________ country in Central Africa.
4.French-speaking <----

Patients who had emotional support were to live six month longer than those without it.
1.three more times likely
2.more three times likely
3.three times more likely
4.more likely three times. <----

Edited by lucile83 on 10-12-2011 08:35

Re: English/correction from dsmith, posted on 10-12-2011 at 04:16:00 (D | E)

The first one - all could be used. #7 I see no correct answer in the choices.

You got 2 of the questions correct.

Keep trying!


Re: English/correction from ora1, posted on 10-12-2011 at 04:40:11 (D | E)
Good grief.
Thank you.

Let's try again. Can you please give an explanation too. (Don't know much but guessing)
Very appreciate all your help.

_____________ that strangers can be harmful, the boy refuses to talk to anyone he does not know.
1.To be taught
2.Had been taught
3.Having been taught <----
4.To be teaching

Not only __________ to accommodate over 500 residents, this huge housing project also has a plan to create picturesque lake around the residential areas.
1.does it design
2.did it design
3.had it been designed
4.has it been designed <----

He is soaking wet; he _________ in the rain
1.might be caught
2.must be caught
3.might have caught <----
4.must have been caught

Having lived in Thailand for seven years, Anne _______ Thai with al1 of her Thai friends.
1.used to speak
2.is used to speak
3.used to speaking <----
4.is used to speaking

The judges revealed yesterday that ___________ perfomers managed to move the audience with their songs.
2.most the <----
3.some of
4.none of the

Besides Chad and Rwanda, the Republic of the Congo is another ____________ country in Central Africa.
3.French-spoken <----

Patients who had emotional support were to live six month longer than those without it.
1.three more times likely <----
2.more three times likely
3.three times more likely
4.more likely three times.

Re: English/correction from dsmith, posted on 10-12-2011 at 14:01:57 (D | E)
#1 good! You can't say "Had been taught" - it's missing a subject. "Having been taught" with the Gerund "having" acting as a noun works.

#2 good! "had it been designed" doesn't agree with the present tense in the second clause. Better to have both in the present tense.

# 3. No. He is wet now - so something happened in the past to make him wet. You can't say "He might have caught in the rain" - this doesn't make sense.

#4 - you were right the first time. Anne is used to speaking with her Thai friends.

#5 - NO, you must have "of the" - only one option has that.

#6 - you were right the first time - French-speaking

#7 - NO. This is the correct phrase: Patients who had emotional support were three times more likely to live six months longer...

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