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Correction/Lettre de motivation

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Correction/Lettre de motivation
Message de shoopfr posté le 04-12-2011 à 12:11:13 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !

Tout d'abord merci à ce site qui m'a permis de rafraîchir ma mémoire anglophone !

Je m'apprête à postuler à un emploi en Allemagne, et j'aimerais être sûr qu'il n'y ait pas de fautes dans ma lettre de motivation. Si vous pouviez me donner un petit coup de main ça serait super !
Le poste concerne un emploi de développeur sur un environnement appelé Reaktor.

Madam, Sir,

Actually I half-time work as analyst-developer in an IT service company based in France, the other half I am a musician and producer.
My Reaktor knowledge is not so increased than you wish for the Reaktor instrument developer job offer. So I have a solution that could be great for you and for me : my country finances international trainings for five months. That could be an useful (and especially free) way for you to training me to your technologies and giving us the chance to completely match with the profile you are looking for.

I can learn fast, I am an involved person, especially when the subject passionated me, like this job. I own Komplete 5 and I use only it to compose and play, in addition of my hardware synthesizers. Battery 3 is the core of all my work and I am actually seriously interesting in The mouth plugin (The mouth est un logiciel de cette entreprise). I invite you to consult my résumé that is joined to this e-mail to take a look to the way I use it.

I am available as soon as possible, but we have to count two or three months of delay to settle administrative procedures. I also sent you an information document about this trainings.

I remain at your disposal should you require any further information.

Yours faithfully,

Merci d'avance et à bientôt !


Modifié par lucile83 le 04-12-2011 12:34
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