Lettre motivation/Erasmus
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Message de arekisu4 posté le 01-12-2011 à 02:09:30 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement en train de faire une lettre de motivation pour un départ en GB l'année prochaine dans le cadre du programme Erasmus. Voici ce que j'ai fait :
The University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and The Institut D'administration Des Entreprises of Lyon, offer for the students the opportunity to go in a foreign country to study the third year of the degree.
This possibility allow to the students to complete their university courses in a different environment, which enables to acquire knowledges and to improve an experience in a different culture, which is at the same time (both?) an enrichment in the program and in the private life.
I am currently studying the second year of a degree in Economie-Gestion, program Gestion & Economie Appliquée, I would be willing to make my third and last year in Great-Britain or in Ireland, for the university year 2012-2013. In fact, on a professional plan, an experience in an English country is highly rewarding. First, it is the security to have an high level in English language, which is nowadays a necessity.
Academically, the experience to study in en English university seems to me rewarding. In the first place, there is the fact to study in english, which join the professional interest, and to approach an different pedagogy. I think (and it appears from various testimonies) it leaves a large place to the individual, with smaller numbers of courses, and a larger value of self-and student-faculty discussions. This method of teaching different awakens my curiosity and interest .
In 2003, I had the opportunity to spend a year in Morocco, educated in a French center abroad in high school Victor Hugo in Marrakech. This experience was very rewarding, it was a total immersion in a language, culture and way of life completely exotic. This allowed me to gain knowledge and an openness to a very different culture, and therefore autonomy from my childhood.
From Great Britain or Ireland, for the year 2012-2013 would be an opportunity to renew the beneficial experience, which, beyond the professional interest that remains my main motivation, let me strong memories of the socio-cultural plan, as was the case in all the evidence I have read or heard of people who had a similar experience.
I would be happy to discuss in more detail with you my motivations during motivational interviewing, and thanking you for your attention, I beg you to receive Madam, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît m'indiquer les éventuelles erreurs/corrections à effectuer ?
Merci beaucoup !
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-12-2011 09:39
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