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Correction /Lettre de motivation

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Correction /Lettre de motivation
Message de alleyway posté le 30-11-2011 à 22:37:42 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je postule pour un stage en Allemagne en tant que chargée de communication, je dois réaliser ma lettre de motivation en anglais.
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à la corriger s'il vous plaît ?
Par avance, merci ;)

Dear Madam / Sir,

I’m actually a studio photographer in a retail firm in France. Thanks to my studies and my work experiences, I worked in many fraimworks of the communication. Today, I wish reorient my career to become a communication officer.

My country finances international internships for young workers. It could be a chance for me to have a first experience as communication officer, that’s why I wish to do this internship into your firm. I want to go to another country because I want to discover a new culture, another way to think and to work and also to practice my English and Deutsch. Berlin is an attractive town due to its cultural diversity and its open-mindedness.

I’am a creative, curious and organized person. I have good communication and adaptability skills. I express my sensitivity through my fashion blog and my lomography work.

Please find my résumé attached. I remain at your disposal should you require any further information.

Yours faithfully,

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-12-2011 09:35

Réponse: Correction /Lettre de motivation de notrepere, postée le 30-11-2011 à 23:25:02 (S | E)

Votre texte contient peu d'erreurs.

I’m actually a studio photographer in a retail firm in France. Thanks to my studies and my work experiences, I have worked in many fraimworks (orthographe) of the communication [n'a pas de sens]. Today, I wish to reorient my career to become a communications officer.

My country finances international internships for young workers. It could be a chance for me to have receive a firsthand experience as a communications officer, that’s why I wish to do this internship into your firm. I want to go to another country because I want to discover a new culture, another way to think and to work and also to practice my English and DeutschGerman. Berlin is an attractive town city due to its cultural diversity and its open-mindedness.

I’am a creative, curious and organized person. I have good communication and adaptability skills. I express my sensitivity through my fashion blog and my lomography work.

Please find my résumé attached. I remain at your disposal should you require any further information.

Réponse: Correction /Lettre de motivation de alleyway, postée le 03-12-2011 à 11:30:30 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !!


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