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Rapport BTS/aide
Message de simrs3 posté le 29-11-2011 à 11:08:40 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

je suis confronté à un sacré problème.
Je suis actuellement en BTS, et je dois rendre un rapport d'activité vendredi.
J'avais rdv avec ma prof d'anglais ce matin à 10h pour me permettre de corriger ma partie et l'inclure dans mon rapport.Cependant elle est malade Et je dois aller à l'imprimerie ce soir. J'ai travaillé hier soir et toute la matinée sur la partie anglais, mais si seulement une personne pouvait vérifier et me corriger s'il y a besoin...
Merci à ceux qui m'aideront.

My name is ********. I’m twenty one years old and I live in Evron in Mayenne. I have been an apprentice for two years at FBI. This company is located in Changé in the north of Le Mans.
The firm was created in 1979 by Mr. Bouseau. In 2006 Mr. Bouseau retired and Mr. Beauné took his place. They are 16 employees. Thus we can qualify the company as a small company
As for the park machine. FBI has about twenty machines. We can count 8 milling machine and 8 turning machine. FBI has the capacity to manufacture a variety of material while staying on Unitarian parts of average series. It machining a plastic, aluminum, or titan.

As for my working condition, the working vibe was excellent. I usually start work at 7:45 in the morning and finish at 5:00 in the afternoon with one hour and thirty minutes break for lunch. I never work on Friday afternoon; I sometimes did overtime when it was necessary.

The safety is very important in the company all employees must wear safety shoes with overalls and ear plugs. The machines are equipped with guards. Sometimes the employees have a training to use the handling equipment.
Activity to the company:

During two years, my work in the firm was varied.
I worked from time to time in the Milling and turning machine, but I also did cost estimates.
Thus I have acquired skills and a good versatility.
However, two important projects were given to me.

- The first Project: ( Who is explain in the report )

During the first years, my project was to instaur a tools stock control.
There was any stock control there
To improve this situation I developed softward allow finding information for to stock removal and entrance tools. This improvement allows having every mouth information to movement of stocks.
Henceforth the firm can have the information allowing the tracking poverty- related expenditures to the different process islands (Milling, turning, assembly).
This project was very important to me, because it represents significant saving in terms of time and money to the firm. In more, I was very interesting for me, because I was in constant touch with the suppliers. But it was very stressful because the company didn’t have to miss of tools. I often back to the firm after school to evaluate the situation of the stock.
- The second project:

I haven’t yet do it.
He’s going to start in January
This consists of reorganizing the follow up of manufacturing in the workshop.
I enjoyed working on that firm. Because, I always had objectives to achieve.
Then my leader position helped give me insight into the difficulty such projects where I have to reconciling the technical, economic and human domain
This project giving has brought many technical knowledge.
As well as my 2 years of technical degrees, I had study two years in an English school ‘’ Wall street institute ‘’ to Le Mans. To find enjoyment to discover and learn English language, I went six week in linguistic trip to California in order to improve my English

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-11-2011 11:18

Réponse: Rapport BTS/aide de lucile83, postée le 29-11-2011 à 11:35:03 (S | E)

Je prends un moment pour corriger le début; un autre membre du site prendra la suite je pense
Vu l'urgence je corrige directement, ce que nous ne faisons jamais.

My name is ********. I’m twenty one years old and I live am living in Evron in Mayenne. I have been an apprentice for two years at FBI. This company is located in Changé in the north of Le Mans.
The firm was created in 1979 by Mr. Bouseau. In 2006 Mr. Bouseau retired and Mr. Beauné took his place replaced him. They There are 16 employees. Thus we can qualify describe the company as a small company.
As for the park machine fleet of machines FBI has about twenty machines. We can count 8 milling machines and 8 turning machines. FBI has the capacity to manufacture a variety of material while staying on Unitarian parts of average series. It machining a plastic, aluminum, or titan.????

As for my working condition, the working vibe??? was excellent. I usually started work at 7:45 in the morning and finished at 5:00 in the afternoon with a one hour and thirty minutes break for lunch. I never worked on Friday afternoon; I sometimes did worked overtime when it was necessary.

Réponse: Rapport BTS/aide de simrs3, postée le 29-11-2011 à 13:16:27 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !
Working vibe veut dire l'atmosphère de travail

Réponse: Rapport BTS/aide de simrs3, postée le 29-11-2011 à 13:19:50 (S | E)
Titan est une matière utilisé en mécanique, il reste tel quel.
Merci beaucoup pour cette première correction.
Je vais mettre à jour dans mon rapport!
Vous me rendez un gros service franchement

Réponse: Rapport BTS/aide de lucile83, postée le 29-11-2011 à 16:33:19 (S | E)

C'est la phrase qui me semble bizarre
It machining a plastic, aluminum, or titan.
il manque un verbe....

Working vibe, je n'étais pas sûre, OK

The safety is very important in the company all employees must wear safety shoes with overalls and ear plugs. The machines are equipped with guards. Sometimes the employees have a training to use the handling equipment.
Activity to the company:

During For two years, my work in the firm was varied.
I worked from time to time in the Milling and turning machine, but I also did worked on cost estimates.
Thus I have acquired skills and a good versatility.
However, two important projects were given to me.

Sorry mais je n'ai pas le temps de corriger plus.

Réponse: Rapport BTS/aide de simrs3, postée le 29-11-2011 à 18:25:33 (S | E)
C'est bon j'ai réussi à faire tout corriger !
Je vous remercie pour votre aide ! Je vais pouvoir aller tout imprimer.
A bientôt

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-11-2011 19:36


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