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Raise to/up from

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Raise to/up from
Message from zgqcn posted on 28-11-2011 at 08:57:54 (D | E | F)

Could you tell me the difference between "raise to" and "up from" ?
Thank you for your answers.


Shanghai's hygiene bureau objected when Scott Minoie tried to build an open kitchen in his first Element Fresh restaurant nearly a decade ago, saying it would be unsightly:"too foreign."

But the Boston native persuaded officials to let him press ahead,confident that Chinese consumers, concerned with food safety, would apprecaite a Western-style bistro that lets diner see their laffa-bread salads and raspberry smoothies while they're being made.

Now he has a chain of 11 restaurants. Sales are on track to hit $30 million in this year, up 40% from last year, according to Element Fresh's managing partner, Frank Rashce. The chain's profit margin hovered between 10% and 15% last year, he says. The plan to open about 40 more outlets in China by 2015.

Rewritten Text from my poor English:

Now, he has a chain that is composed of 11 restaurants. The sales in this year has been on the track of hitting to $30 million, raise 40% to last year, according to Element Fresh's management partner, Frank Resche. The chain's profit margin always hovered between 10% and 15%, he says. The plan to open more than 40 outlets in China by 2015.

Edited by lucile83 on 28-11-2011 09:18

Re: Raise to/up from from gerondif, posted on 28-11-2011 at 09:40:58 (D | E)
Now he has a chain of 11 restaurants. Sales are on track to hit $30 million in this year, up 40% from last year,
(It means sales have gone up by forty per cent compared to last year, but as it is too long to say, it is shortened
you could also say "forty per cent more than last year) according to Element Fresh's managing partner, Frank Rashce. The chain's profit margin hovered between 10% and 15% last year, he says. The plan to open about 40 more outlets in China by 2015.

Rewritten Text from my poor English:

Now, he has a chain that is composed of 11 restaurants. The sales in this year has been on the track of hitting to $30 million, ( a raise of 40% compared to last year) (40% more than last year)* raise * 40% to last year, according to Element Fresh's management partner, Frank Resche. The chain's profit margin always hovered between 10% and 15%, he says. The plan (He plans)to open more than 40 outlets in China by 2015.

Re: Raise to/up from from zgqcn, posted on 28-11-2011 at 10:05:04 (D | E)
To: gerondif

Thank you for your answers.

Re: Raise to/up from from notrepere, posted on 28-11-2011 at 20:19:14 (D | E)


The correct noun here is "a rise". It's a common mistake.

a rise of 40%

Also note the correct verb forms:


raise requires an object while rise does not.
Lien Internet

Profits have risen 40% in the past year (verb: rise)
We expect profits to rise by 20%.

We need to raise our expectations.

Sales this year have been on track to hit $30 million, a rise of 40% compared to last year

Re: Raise to/up from from gerondif, posted on 28-11-2011 at 23:54:15 (D | E)
Hello np,

I first wrote "rise" and then double-clicked and saw this:

raise /reɪz/
1.US (pay rise) augmentation f;

I'll drink a Tequila sunrise to fend off my growing headache!

Re: Raise to/up from from zgqcn, posted on 29-11-2011 at 02:37:08 (D | E)
To: notrepere

Thank you for your answers.

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