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Correction/lettre motivation

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Correction/lettre motivation
Message de crusader315 posté le 25-11-2011 à 14:55:43 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !

J'ai écrit une lettre de motivation pour un stage de fin d'année, j'aimerais seulement savoir si quelqu'un pourrait la corriger, s'il y aurait éventuellement des fautes, ou peut-être corriger le style, si certaines choses sont incorrectement dites.
Merci beaucoup de votre aide !!

Subject: Work placement

Dear Mrs., Mr.,

Currently in third year of audiovisual studies to the International Institute of the Picture and the Sound (3IS, situated in Trappes, Yvelines), I am in search of a practicum for the period of beginning July to end of December 2012.
This practicum is put in place like transient stage between the studying life and the immersion in a merely professional environment that I am in a hurry to integrate.

Passionate since already a long time throughout what relate to the audiovisual domain, your formation would allow me to reach concretely and in a professional way to what I wanted to make always.
Indeed, when I was younger, I had luck to do a practicum in « Studio Harcourt Paris » and it is from there that I discovered the certain interest that I felt about the" World of the Picture ". Progressively and thanks to the school, I developed a particular sensitivity against frame and light.
That's why I naturally oriented toward the picture in second year's specialization.
Then, it would be really exceptional that I could do my practicum in your firm in relation to this precise domain.

Evidently knowing the reputation of xxx, my first choice moves toward you.
To integrate a Production Company as yours would permit me indeed to become soaked with a thorough picture knowledge and to gain expertises of quality that would be me useful for the future and that I won't certainly find, or with difficulty, with another company.

It would offer me the opportunity to discover a certain qualification that I would be anxious to get.
My qualities to arrive there are, to my point of view, my rigor, my perfectionism, a great desire to learn, my taste to meet people and my determination.
For me, to do my practicum at xxx would be a source of blossoming both professionally and personally.

While hoping to have convinced you of my sincere motivation, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Enc : Curriculum Vitae.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-11-2011 15:33


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