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I and I'm

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I and I'm
Message from ora1 posted on 19-11-2011 at 23:31:38 (D | E | F)

Could you please explain the difference between I and I'm?
Like... I hurt my eyes. I'm hurt my eyes.
Is there any difference?
Thank you for your help.

Edited by lucile83 on 20-11-2011 08:37

Re: I and I'm from notrepere, posted on 19-11-2011 at 23:41:21 (D | E)

I'm = I + am
The correct sentence is: I hurt my eyes.
I am happy. = I'm happy.

Re: I and I'm from gerondif, posted on 20-11-2011 at 00:10:51 (D | E)

"I hurt my eyes" is a preterite, a souvenir from the past.
"I've hurt my eyes" is an expression of the present consequence of something that happened in the past.It's a present perfect.
"I am hurt / I'm hurt", without an object, is a passive voice meaning: "I am injured, I am wounded".

Re: I and I'm from smartway, posted on 26-11-2011 at 13:03:14 (D | E)
I: is a pronoun.
I'm=i am and am is the present simple of the verb to be.

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Cours gratuits > Forum > English only

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