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Word order/passive

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Word order/passive
Message from ivonne_k2003 posted on 14-11-2011 at 21:42:47 (D | E | F)
Good evening to everyone here,

I need your help, my virtual English-speaking friends )
Using passive voice, what word order should I follow? I'm not sure what should go first:
(by) agent + adverb of time - or - adverb of time + the agent at the end.
Let's think about an example.
The car was crashed by my wife yesterday. The car was crashed yesterday by my wife.
I find it a bit confusing and I hope you will help me.
Thanks a lot

Edited by lucile83 on 14-11-2011 21:51

Re: Word order/passive from lucile83, posted on 14-11-2011 at 21:54:28 (D | E)

I'd say:
Yesterday,the car was crashed by my wife.

Re: Word order/passive from ivonne_k2003, posted on 14-11-2011 at 21:56:01 (D | E)
Thanks a lot for your opinion, I find it helpful.

Re: Word order/passive from willy, posted on 15-11-2011 at 10:41:05 (D | E)

Here are some useful explanations:
Lien Internet

Re: Word order/passive from lucile83, posted on 15-11-2011 at 14:45:37 (D | E)

And, yes willy of course, I could say:
The car was crashed by my wife yesterday.

I wouldn't say however:
The car was crashed yesterday by my wife.

Re: Word order/passive from notrepere, posted on 15-11-2011 at 14:51:22 (D | E)

And we especially wouldn't want to say:

The car was crashed by my yesterday wife.

Of course, she may now be yesterday's wife after that crash since the car is no longer today like is was yesterday.

Edited by notrepere on 15-11-2011 18:11
Yes, discretion is the better part of valor. Otherwise, you'll be yesterday's moderatrice and I'll be yesterday's NP.

Edited by lucile83 on 15-11-2011 19:00
Don't worry, be happy!

Re: Word order/passive from lucile83, posted on 15-11-2011 at 15:01:43 (D | E)

Is the yesterday's car all right? ...and what about the yesterday's wife?

we'd better quit now, both of us!

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