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Message from kai88 posted on 08-11-2011 at 15:37:53 (D | E | F)

Which of the following statements is correct? Should I use showcasing or showcases? What is the difference? I'm confused.Please help me.

This is such an informative infographic which showcasing the history of British.
This is such an informative infographic which showcases the history of British.

Thanks beforehand!

Edited by lucile83 on 08-11-2011 16:13

Re: Showcase/Showcasing from lucile83, posted on 08-11-2011 at 16:17:18 (D | E)
Please use a dictionary:
Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Best wishes.

Lien Internet

Re: Showcase/Showcasing from kai88, posted on 09-11-2011 at 07:25:50 (D | E)
Sorry, I still can't get it. Any further explanation? Thanks!

Re: Showcase/Showcasing from notrepere, posted on 09-11-2011 at 08:12:35 (D | E)

'showcases' is the correct word, but the end of your sentence doesn't make any sense.

This is such an informative infographic which showcases the history of British.

Without an article, "British" is an adjective. If you are talking about the British people, you need the article.

What is an infographic?

Re: Showcase/Showcasing from lucile83, posted on 09-11-2011 at 08:17:38 (D | E)

As notrepere said,you need to use the verb 'to showcase', not the gerund 'showcasing'.

Re: Showcase/Showcasing from kai88, posted on 09-11-2011 at 08:26:38 (D | E)
Thanks. I got it! By the way, infographic is information graphic. You can try to 'wiki' it. Lien Internet

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Cours gratuits > Forum > English only

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