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Text/about China

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Text/about China
Message from zgqcn posted on 31-10-2011 at 08:21:23 (D | E | F)

Would you be kind enough to tell me the grammar mistakes in the rewritten text?
Thanks a lot.

Original text from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL:
The study attributes some of China's preparedness to the fact that the country's citizens, well-know for their saving habits, are accustomed to socking their money away. While China has the highest expectancy of state-reliance for retirement, with 40% expecting to lean on government pension plans, additional saving for retirement has just become a way of live, the study said.

Rewritten text from my poor English:
The study attributes some of China's actuality to Chinese habit of saving money, they are famous for their saving. As China has the highest national reliance expectation on retirement, 40% of the people wish to depend on government pension plans, but saving for retirement has also become a way of life.

Edited by lucile83 on 31-10-2011 09:00

Re: Text/about China from stammer, posted on 07-11-2011 at 23:22:34 (D | E)

Original text from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL:
The study attributes some of China's preparedness to the fact that the country's citizens, well-know for their saving habits, are accustomed to socking their money away. While China has the highest expectancy of state-reliance for retirement, with 40% expecting to lean on government pension plans, additional saving for retirement has just become a way of live (surely a typo?), the study said.

Rewritten text from in my poor English (it's not awful):
The study attributes some of China's actuality - (wrong word) to (article missing) Chinese habit of saving money, they are famous for their saving (I would say) "being big savers." As (this doesn't link with anything) China has "does have" (would better link with the 'but' to come) the highest national reliance expectation on retirement (this doesn't really work) "proportion of the population reliant on the state for their retirement" (would be better), 40% of the (not needed) people wish to (not needed) depend on government pension plans, but saving for retirement has also become a way of life.

I've only rewritten things where there's a real difficulty in expression, where there are missing articles/incorrect words I've left that for you to do.


Re: Text/about China from zgqcn, posted on 08-11-2011 at 02:09:00 (D | E)
Thank you, sir.

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