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In contrast to/make a contrast with

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In contrast to/make a contrast with
Message from zgqcn posted on 31-10-2011 at 04:31:33 (D | E | F)
Hi, everyone~~~

Can you help me please?
Is the second sentence relating to "contrast" right?

1. The China's retirement outlook is in stark contrast to an April poll from the Gallup Organization, which found.....

2. The China's retirement expectation makes a sharp contrast with a poll published by the Gallup Organization, which shows....

I found two phrases in the newspapers about "contrast" -- "in contrast to" and "make a contrast with", so I want to know whether they are interchangeable.

Thanks a lot.

Edited by lucile83 on 31-10-2011 07:10

Re: In contrast to/make a contrast with from notrepere, posted on 31-10-2011 at 05:29:05 (D | E)

The two sentences mean the same thing. However, you should say "China's..." never "The China's..."

Re: In contrast to/make a contrast with from zgqcn, posted on 31-10-2011 at 06:25:56 (D | E)
Thank you, sir.

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