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Operation assistant

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Operation assistant
Message from jasna posted on 17-10-2011 at 02:24:29 (D | E | F)
Hello all,

Please correct the text below, which I really need.

In LL ngo as a data entry operator
My duties are entered all data about project restoration and vulnerable people in whole districts, collected financial data from field officer. Besides I also assisted in administration unit when needed.

What have you learned from your previous job/post?
That was the first time I started work and I have learned how to prioritize the importance of task and make sure they are done efficiently and effectively.

In UNG as a operation assistant
My duties are managed administration and operational data, managed personal files of international and national staff, review and checked the deadline of national and international consultant contract.
It has taught me that in spite of situations that are sometimes complicated to make, there is always something to be learned and a way to grow personally. For example I could do perfectly my duties although I have to deal with many foreign people who required my language skill to express.

Thanks a lot.

Edited by lucile83 on 17-10-2011 09:37

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Cours gratuits > Forum > English only

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