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A or An

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A or An
Message from ksaka posted on 16-10-2011 at 15:43:50 (D | E | F)

I don't understand question 9.
You said in your lesson that the words beginning with i,o,u,e or a have AN.
Why this isn't correct:He is the Army and he is wearing AN uniform?

Edited by lucile83 on 16-10-2011 18:26

Re: A or An from headway, posted on 16-10-2011 at 16:47:46 (D | E)
Hi there,

The 'u' in 'uniform' is pronounced: 'j'
Lien Internet


Re: A or An from bulsara_berte, posted on 16-10-2011 at 16:56:55 (D | E)

In English, there are some exceptions ( see ' an hour'). The words starting with a ' u' are written in Phonetics with a consonant ( what we call a Yode), that is to say the same sound than words starting with a ' y'

Lien Internet

Therefore, you put ' a' and not 'an' => A union, A uniform, a Yes, a UFO.....

I hope I am making myself clear, you can have a look at the link

Re: A or An from gerondif, posted on 16-10-2011 at 23:06:08 (D | E)

in fact you use "an" instead of "a" before a vowel sound !

[ ] an apple.
[] an ape.
[e] an excellent wine.
[i] an idiot
[] an island.
[] an old man.
[] an odd situation.
[]an uneasy situation, an ultimate decision.

What matters is not the vowel but how it is pronounced.

When the u is prononced like y in yes, there is no need for "an".

[j] a uniform, a yellow car.

Re: A or An from lucile83, posted on 17-10-2011 at 09:50:09 (D | E)
Hello ksaka

You can find lessons on the site and exercises as well,
Lien Internet

Lien Internet


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