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Pecking away

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Pecking away
Message from dvn44 posted on 01-10-2011 at 11:23:06 (D | E | F)

Could someone tell me the meaning of "pecking away" in this sentence, please ?

Reeva created a Web site, WeMissYouNikki.com, and loaded it with a thousand photos of the girl. She blogged incessantly about her daughter and the case, often pecking away throughout the night.
Extrait de "The confession" - John Grisham

Thank you.

Edited by lucile83 on 01-10-2011 11:33

Re: Pecking away from headway, posted on 01-10-2011 at 11:30:38 (D | E)

here's my guess:

I think it means she's at the keyboard, blogging, but best wait for answers from natives ;)



Re: Pecking away from alep, posted on 01-10-2011 at 12:23:46 (D | E)
Well "pecking away", could be translated by "kissing farewell".
Just look up the various meanings of pecking in any dictionary.
Good luck in your research,

Re: Pecking away from notrepere, posted on 01-10-2011 at 13:37:15 (D | E)

I agree with headway. Pecking away at the keyboard.


Re: Pecking away from dvn44, posted on 01-10-2011 at 13:52:20 (D | E)
Thank you both.

Re: Pecking away from alep, posted on 01-10-2011 at 14:28:47 (D | E)
Thank you Headway & Notrepere,
Of course, I had forgotten the meaning of "Away" in this context, namely: Continuously; repeatedly; relentlessly.
Pecking away at the keyboard, typing away throughout the night.
Thanks you for helping me to improve,

Re: Pecking away from brettdallen, posted on 01-10-2011 at 16:23:39 (D | E)
If you consider the tips of your fingers as the beaks of birds, then doesn't it make more sense?
Hope this helps.

Re: Pecking away from rohal26, posted on 01-10-2011 at 17:13:52 (D | E)

"pecking away" in this context means tapping at the keyboard. You are supposed to think of a woodpecker pecking at a tree...

Edited by lucile83 on 01-10-2011 21:36

Re: Pecking away from dvn44, posted on 01-10-2011 at 19:05:49 (D | E)
Thanks for these useful comments,
Thus, it seems to be a metaphor. When reading this, I tried to picture the scene.

Edited by dvn44 on 01-10-2011 19:06

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