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marike87 English or Scottish corres

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marike87 English or Scottish corres
Message de marike87 posté le 07-08-2011 à 11:44:21 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody !
My name is Marike, I'm French and I'm 18.
I start studying languages ​​to become an interpreter, and I'm looking for a correspondent who speaks English to help me because I speak good English but I do a lot of errors.
I've always been fascinated by other cultures, especially English and Scottish, and I would love to discuss about our different ways of life. I was often traveling to England and I think London is the most wonderful place in the world ... My dream is to discover the rest of the country, and Scotland.
I have Facebook, Msn messenger and Skype.
I love dance, photography, movies, music, painting, reading, writing, shopping...
I hope many of you will answer me. Excuse me for mistakes
Modifié par bridg le 07-08-2011 11:45


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