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Message from dlsur posted on 01-08-2011 at 17:33:48 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone .

I need to resolve a problem, please; I am reading a book and I have found an expression.
I have been looking it up in a dictionary and I found the meaning , but I'm not sure.
It is the expression (in red ): What in the world is the matter with you ? What have you been up to ?What have you seen ? said the two men...

I think that the translation from English into Spanish is ¿Que has estado haciendo ? / What have you been doing ?
. But I'm not sure about this meaning .
Thanks .

Edited by dlsur on 01-08-2011 17:30

Edited by lucile83 on 01-08-2011 19:20

Re: Meaning/expression from notrepere, posted on 01-08-2011 at 18:23:05 (D | E)

I'm no Spanish expert, but here's what I found:

Larousse: (inf) [secretly doing something]
what are you up to? ¿qué andas tramando?
Lien Internet

what are you up to? ¿qué andas haciendo?
what are you up to with that knife? ¿qué haces con ese cuchillo?
Lien Internet

Re: Meaning/expression from lucile83, posted on 01-08-2011 at 19:31:16 (D | E)

Well, I don't know which forum would be best for you

Anyway notrepere has answered you.
If you need more explanation I suggest you ask your question in the Spanish forum and give the link of this topic.

Re: Meaning/expression from dlsur, posted on 02-08-2011 at 21:20:11 (D | E)

Thanks for your comments and answers ,I have kept looking for the expression, and I think that I have settled my doubt about it.
Lien Internet

By the way , the book where I found that expression, is Horror Stories ( Macmillan collections ) in English of course .

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Cours gratuits > Forum > English only

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