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bulledo /English-speaking pen pal

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bulledo /English-speaking pen pal
Message de bulledo posté le 01-08-2011 à 13:47:08 (S | E | F)
I'm French. I live near Paris. I'm a student in Paris, I'm twenty-seven.
I would like improve my English with other people and make friends all over the world.
I like going to the swimming-pool, learning new things each day...
I hope I will be able to go to England for my last semester.
I haven't practice English since my English lessons in high school.

See you soon
Modifié par bridg le 01-08-2011 13:54

Réponse: bulledo /English-speaking pen pal de cyrilhumblet, postée le 10-08-2011 à 15:41:10 (S | E)
Hello , I'm speaking french too , and i want to speak with English people , because i have an exam in English and i want to make a success in my exam. I have sixteen years old . I live in Belgium in a small village named Houdemont.

I play football in a team with some friends.

Give me news.
Bye, Cyril.


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