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Scrambled words '120'

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Scrambled words '120'
Message de marit64 posté le 13-07-2011 à 23:03:48 (S | E | F)

Bonne fête nationale à tous les français. Je vous souhaite une journée mémorable que vous n'oublierez jamais. Même si une grande distance nous sépare, nous pensons à vous tous.[

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- Very poor; with little or no money. ..... (nsesnpeli)
2- A person who sees something (for instance; a crime) happen. ..... (teysw-iesen)
3- The eatable parts from inside a chicken. ..... (tilgseb)
4- A synonym of "lumberjack". ..... (druwtoteoc)
5- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. ..... (cymuerr)
6- A cover for a pot, box etc. ..... (dli)
7- A movement of air, especially one which causes discomfort in a room or which helps a fire to burn. ..... (grtduha)
8- A kind of small animal found in Artic regions valued for its glossy fur. ..... (lsbea)
9- To make a mark on something by pressing. ..... (rmspise)
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (lhsttei)

Good luck and have fun!

Don't forget to have fun tomorrow. It will be your day!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '120' de ng, postée le 13-07-2011 à 23:59:34 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
Thanks a lot for that exercise Here's my attempt...

1- Very poor; with little or no money. penniless
2- A person who sees something (for instance; a crime) happen. eye-witness
3- The eatable parts from inside a chicken. giblets
4- A synonym of "lumberjack". woodcutter
5- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. mercury
6- A cover for a pot, box etc. lid
7- A movement of air, especially one which causes discomfort in a room or which helps a fire to burn. draught
8- A kind of small animal found in Artic regions valued for its glossy fur. sable
9- To make a mark on something by pressing. impress
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. thistle

Modifié par ng le 14-07-2011 09:37
Thanks Marit for the number 8

Réponse: Scrambled words '120' de headway, postée le 14-07-2011 à 09:07:44 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1- Very poor; with little or no money. ..... Penniless.
2- A person who sees something (for instance; a crime) happen. ..... Eye-witness.
3- The eatable parts from inside a chicken. ..... Giblets.
4- A synonym of "lumberjack". ..... Wood Cutter.
5- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. ..... Mercury.
6- A cover for a pot, box etc. ..... Lid.
7- A movement of air, especially one which causes discomfort in a room or which helps a fire to burn. ..... Draught.
8- A kind of small animal found in Artic regions valued for its glossy fur. ..... Sable.
9- To make a mark on something by pressing. ..... Impress.
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... Thistle.

Hope everyone has a good Bastille Day.

Talk soon.


Réponse: Scrambled words '120' de dolfine56, postée le 14-07-2011 à 10:58:48 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
We had a gorgous firework ,above the sea, just before midnight.

1- Very poor; with little or no money. ..... (nsesnpeli)penniless
2- A person who sees something (for instance; a crime) happen. ..... (teysw-iesen)eye-witness
3- The eatable parts from inside a chicken. ..... (tilgseb)giblest
4- A synonym of "lumberjack". ..... (druwtoteoc)woodcutter
5- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. ..... (cymuerr)mercury
6- A cover for a pot, box etc. ..... (dli)lid
7- A movement of air, especially one which causes discomfort in a room or which helps a fire to burn. ..... (grtduha)draught
8- A kind of small animal found in Artic regions valued for its glossy fur. ..... (lsbea)sable
9- To make a mark on something by pressing. ..... (rmspise)impress
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (lhsttei)thistle

French armed forces are parading on "the most beautiful avenue in the world", les Champs Elysées

Réponse: Scrambled words '120' de nina80, postée le 14-07-2011 à 17:10:28 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1 - penniless
2 - eye-witness
3 - giblets
4 - wood cutter
5 - mercury
6 - lid
7 - draught
8 - sable
9 - to impress
10- thistle

dear Marit...

Réponse: Scrambled words '120' de eos17, postée le 15-07-2011 à 09:47:03 (S | E)
hello Marit
Here my answers:
-1 Penniless
-2 Eye-witness
-3 Giblets
-4 woodcutter
-5 Mercury
-6 Lid
-7 Draught
-8 Sable
-9 To impress
-10 Thistle
Have a good week .

Réponse: Scrambled words '120' de swan85, postée le 15-07-2011 à 12:46:01 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Thank you very much

1/ Penniless
2/ Eye-witness
3/ Giblets
4/ Woodcutter
5/ Mercury
6/ Lid
7/ Draught
8/ Sable
9/ Impress
10/ Thistle

Have a nice week-end
See you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '120' de nam06, postée le 17-07-2011 à 23:53:32 (S | E)
Mesdames, Messieurs bonsoir. Je me suis inscrite sur ce site pour avoir un renseignement je suis donc désolée d'entrer sur un forum dont le sujet est clair alors que ma question n'a aucun rapport avec ce sujet. Quand j'étais en cm1 cm2 (c'était il y a maintenant plus de 8ans) mon professeur d'anglais avait un livre avec lequel il nous apprenait des chansons en anglais, dans ce livre se trouvait une chanson intitulé superstar et une autre (je connais encore les paroles) qui disait:
Good morning good morning how are you how are you? I'am fine thank you!! Good afternoon good afternoon how are you hox are you? I'am fine thank you! Good evning good evning how are you how are you? I'am fine thank you ! J'aimerai donc retrouver ce livre pour me remémorer mes souvenirs d'enfance via les chansons.
Si quelqu'un connait le nom de ce livre j'aimerais que vous me le disiez, je vous remercie d'avance.

Réponse: Scrambled words '120' de flowermusic, postée le 18-07-2011 à 12:35:20 (S | E)
Hi Marit

It is never to late .....

1- Very poor; with little or no money. ..... (nsesnpeli) penniless
2- A person who sees something (for instance; a crime) happen. ..... (teysw-iesen) eye-witness
3- The eatable parts from inside a chicken. ..... (tilgseb) giblets
4- A synonym of "lumberjack". ..... (druwtoteoc) woodcutter
5- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. ..... (cymuerr) mercury
6- A cover for a pot, box etc. ..... (dli) lid
7- A movement of air, especially one which causes discomfort in a room or which helps a fire to burn. ..... (grtduha) draught
8- A kind of small animal found in Artic regions valued for its glossy fur. ..... (lsbea) sable
9- To make a mark on something by pressing. ..... (rmspise) impress
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (lhsttei) thistle

Many thanks for the pleasure you give us every week.

Have a nice week

Réponse: Scrambled words '120' de marit64, postée le 21-07-2011 à 00:03:07 (S | E)
A nam06

Cela me peine de ne pouvoir vous aider dans la recherche de votre livre de chansons en anglais mais je souhaite bien que quelqu'un d'autre puisse être en mesure de le faire.

Laissez-moi vous dire que quelque chose ne concorde pas avec votre demande étant donné que dans votre profil, vous indiquez que vous avez 6 ans et que l'évènement dont vous faites référence s'est passé il y a 8 ans.

Serait-il possible d'y apporter une correction s'il vous plaît?


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