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keiren / Corres 45a et plus

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keiren / Corres 45a et plus
Message de keiren posté le 13-07-2011 à 06:18:55 (S | E | F)
hello,I am a beginner in this website. I live in Japan. I want to talk with a 45 age over person because I don't like younger person than me. I have never told with an American in any websites ever... this is will be my first challenge to seek a pen pal. I'm a female. It would be my pleasure anyone send me a reply to me.
Edited by bridg on 13-07-2011 07:47
Titre/forum/retrait de l'identité

Réponse: keiren / Corres 45a et plus de samoelch, postée le 15-07-2011 à 09:35:26 (S | E)
Hi Keiren,
I am pleased to write for you, I'm not an American, but I'm Malagasy from Madagascar,I'm 59 years old, and I work in an American organization which involved in environment.
See you later
Samoel Ratsimbazafy

Réponse: keiren / Corres 45a et plus de keiren, postée le 15-07-2011 à 20:37:51 (S | E)
Hello,Samoel Ratsimbazafy I'm very glad to hear you. Nice to talking with you. It is my pleasure to read your mail. So I also glad that you work for our enviroment. And plus you are older than me that is good. i live in Kawagoe City Japan. I'm looking foreward to hear from you again. Keire


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