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Washington D.C. (1)

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Washington D.C.
Message from englishlove posted on 01-07-2011 at 12:11:45
If one is supposed to ask a question then which one of these is the correct version to be made!!
What does D.C in Washington D.C stand for ? OR What does D.C in Washington D.C stands for ?
Any help would be deeply appreciated
Edited by lucile83 on 01-07-2011 19:42

Edited by lucile83 on 03-07-2011 16:31

Re: Washington D.C. by dolfine56, posted on 01-07-2011 at 13:58:38

For a six year old man, it isn't too bad... :
DATE DE NAISSANCE: 01-01-2005 (6 ans)

What does D.C in Washington D.C stand for ?

is the right sentence.
the "s" of the 3è pers. is on "does". You don't need to put it on the verb "stand".

He looks at the river.
does he look at the river?
he does not look at the river.
see you.

NB-Thanks to NP, I have corrected "a six year old man" instead of a "six year(s) old man"
but it looks freakish for a" ?? year old French woman"!!

Re: Washington D.C. by notrepere, posted on 01-07-2011 at 18:41:45
And... it stands for "District of Columbia".
Dolfine, you made a common mistake:
A six year old man.
However, this man is six years old.
Happy Friday.

Re: Washington D.C. by englishlove, posted on 03-07-2011 at 16:19:50
Thanks both of you for doing correction here.
It serves the purpose now.xxxx Omit mistakes please. Its better to be at six coz a fool at forty is a fool forever

Kudos both of your with your good rich sense of humour ! ;)

Thanks a ton ! Cheers!


Edited by lucile83 on 03-07-2011 16:29

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