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Message de emily_wong0404 posté le 08-06-2011 à 17:13:05 (S | E | F)
Hello! I'm a girl from Hong Kong with my 18. As the public examination is coming, I want to meet some buddies for having stable speaking practises. Would you like to be the one of my biddies? I would like to have a speaking practise per week/2weeks. Of course, we are going to have discussions through softwares for communicating by speaking(eg,Window Live Messenger). It's great that you can speak native English or want to improve your English spoken skills^.^ It would be better that you are about the same age as me because it would be easy to start our discussions!
Thank you for your attention! If you are interested, please reply this post or send messages to me~!
Edited by lucile83 on 08-06-2011 17:42
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Message de emily_wong0404 posté le 08-06-2011 à 17:13:05 (S | E | F)
Hello! I'm a girl from Hong Kong with my 18. As the public examination is coming, I want to meet some buddies for having stable speaking practises. Would you like to be the one of my biddies? I would like to have a speaking practise per week/2weeks. Of course, we are going to have discussions through softwares for communicating by speaking(eg,Window Live Messenger). It's great that you can speak native English or want to improve your English spoken skills^.^ It would be better that you are about the same age as me because it would be easy to start our discussions!
Thank you for your attention! If you are interested, please reply this post or send messages to me~!
Edited by lucile83 on 08-06-2011 17:42
titre et forum
Réponse: emily_wong0404/friends de greenflower, postée le 08-06-2011 à 19:47:54 (S | E)
Hello;Emily I'm soumaya from Algeria,Ican talk 2 you via my yahoo ***@****pour votre sécurité, les adresses emails sont interdites sur le site, merci de communiquer par messages privés****
a university 1st year student speciality french; I talk very wll english;far_well;by the way I'm not always connected but it's honnor to me to talk 2 u ;I wish u a good luck:
Réponse: emily_wong0404/friends de emily_wong0404, postée le 10-06-2011 à 19:22:34 (S | E)
Thanks a lot,soumaya! I'm very glad that you reply my post. What a wonderful thing that you are very well at talking English and you are an university 1st year student! Actually, my English spoken skills is not that good as I can't speak it fluently and natively. I trust that my spoken skills will be improved after having your help.
By the way, when will you are available to have our speaking practises? I hope that we can have a practise per week/2weeks. It's not a problem that you're not often connected because we just need to take about 1~2hours in a day to communicate each other every week/2weeks. There is time difference between Hong Kong and Algeria. It's earlier than Algeria 7hrs in Hong Kong. That means, it's 3PM in Algeria if the time is 10PM in Hong Kong. I'm often available every Saturday(8PM-10PM<----Hong Kong time) and Sunday(8AM-10PM<-----HK time). Please tell me which durations(in Sat/Sun) you are available(Of cousre, you can tell me in the time zone of Algeria). Then, I will compare them as we can choose a time when it's convenient to both of us. So, do you want to have each of our talkings in/with 1hr or 2hrs? Do you prefer having each of our talkings per week or 2 weeks? Or any suggestions do you like?
For our first voice-talking through the Messenger, I would like to start on 16th/17th June. I think it would be best to talk about ourselves first. That means, our topic should be about some of our profiles(personal introducions), our schools(could be included-->systems of education between Algeria and Hong Kong) and our present targets. Some things like those. Well, our aim of the first talking is surrounding introducing.
For every of our talkings, it's good to set a topic with a series of discussion points(several items) before we start our voice-talking. Then, we're going to start our voice-talking what is talking about the fixed topic. One of us will have the chance to set our topic with several items every our practisings.
For being more understanding with each other and causal in the first time we're going to talk, it's well for us to talk about ourselves(introducing). Yes, this topic would be fixed as "Nice to meet you" and the several items like which I have mentioned(eg,profiles,schools,etc) Would you like to decide the several items(not more than 5) with me in first time? If no, our several items would be:
1.Introduce yourself(with personal profile--->name,age,occupation,personalities,interests)
2.What's your school name?What kind of your school you are stuying in? Introduce the systems of education of your country simplily(as sharing the difference between Algeria and HK)
3.What's your present target(s)? What do you think how you can achieve it/(them)?
4.Any alse is important(for our topic)
I hope that I can have stable voice-speaking chances with you. And, hope that I won't annoy you;P
I'm going to add you as friend and send you a private message, for starting our personal communicating.
Thanks very much!!
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