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Has have/ help

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Has have/ help
Message from numero posted on 08-06-2011 at 15:47:30 (D | E | F)

can someone please clarify for my student; her teacher tells her that she can use the sentence:
she doesn't has
I have told her this is wrong.
Can someone please clarify this for her?
Many thanks.

Edited by lucile83 on 08-06-2011 17:44

Re: Has have/ help from gerondif, posted on 08-06-2011 at 16:04:31 (D | E)

there are two different verbs:

Either you use the verb "to get" which means "to obtain, to receive" and you can say:
She has got a cat, she hasn't got a dog.

or you use the regular verb "to have" which means "to possess", which uses the auxiliary verb do, does, did for its various interrogative, negative or tag forms:

I have a cat:
Do you have a cat ? Yes, I do. Yes, I have a cat.
Do you have a dog ? No, I don't. No, I don't have a dog.

She has a cat:
Does she have a cat ? Yes, she does. Yes, she has a cat.
Does she have a dog ? No, she doesn't. No, she doesn't have a dog.

She has a cat, doesn't she ?
She doesn't have a dog, does she ?

When you use do or does, the verb goes back to its infinitive form, so "she doesn't has" is wrong.

[ As May pointed out, there is a structure used to insist which uses the auxiliary do, does or did:
I really love you = I do love you.
She really has green eyes: she DOES have green eyes (stress "does" orally)
I really saw a ghost: I DID see a ghost, I assure you ! (Stress "did" orally) ]

You could say:
"She has no money, She has no friends ",
but in that case, it is the object which is negative thanks to the "no", not the verb.

Re: Has have/ help from dolfine56, posted on 08-06-2011 at 16:06:40 (D | E)
hi can someone please clarufy for my student her teachere tell her that she can use the sentence
she doesn't has
i have told her this is wrong can someone please claridy this for her many thanks

En vert, les fautes à corriger!

she doesn't has
This sentence is wrong, because, with don't we have to use the infinitive form: have.
Have a look at that:

The Simple Present of the verb to have is slightly irregular, since the bare infinitive is have, whereas the form of the verb used in the third person singular is has. (she has, he has, it has)

do , does (for the third person singular) are auxiliaries to form questions and negative statements in the Simple Present.

When the auxiliaries do, does are combined with another verb, the other verb always has the form of the bare infinitive.

So, she doesn't have a book.
See you.

Re: Has have/ help from may, posted on 11-06-2011 at 02:41:36 (D | E)

can someone please clarify for my student; her teacher tells her that she can use the sentence:
she doesn't has

First of all, would you like to tell her ( ) She doesn't has is not a sentence, we call it a phrase since we will need an object to be what we call a sentence.

Second of all, you're right and she's not (as previous posts). Also, we would consider this structure in affirmative (just in case)

She has a bird ----> She does have a bird.

Re: Has have/ help from may, posted on 12-06-2011 at 02:54:31 (D | E)

...and third of all, we're all waiting for you

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