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Qualities of a teacher

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Qualities of a teacher
Message from moqaddas posted on 07-06-2011 at 22:56:56 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone,

I tried to write an essay.
Would you like to suggest me regardingly.
Thank you for your help.

It is said "The first institution for a child is his mother's lap",It's true but children imitate their teachers too;'"TEACHERS" who are supposed to be spiritual parents for children.

Teachers must be perfect persons in their characters for children.Here I tried to summarize qualities of a best teacher.
Her method of teaching or conveying knowledge should be very impressive and intellectual.She should teach and prove everything rationally.
She should be practical and should teach her students to be practical to spend life in this materialistic world.Moreover she should act upon according to her sayings and words before her students as if she wants to teach her students to be punctual ; she must be punctual at any rate.
She shouldn't be strict so much so that students could ask any question/and make quarry easily regarding their studies.
But she should be strict to make them follow rules and regulations of any kind so that students could learn to be restricted/to control themselves in any situation.
She should arrange discussions in the classroom to enhance the listening and speaking skills in her students so that they could speak truth and reject the lies.
She should arrange trips to historical and delectable places to meet the historical and cordial needs of her students.She must arrange discussion on places of trip and while choosing the place she must consider the taste of her students.
She should be polite and courtious and never involve in any quarrel and negative discussions.She is supposed to teach manners to the students so she must be cool ,if there is any conflict between her and someone other ,she must try to solve that conflict in friendly way.She should bear the rudeness of other members positively and never show before children that you have any conflict with others,that's difficult to bear others but you can teach your students to be dare person.
She should be a good sense of humor,she must use pleasant and ironical stories to convey a good message to students.
In brief/In short a teacher must be perfect and fabulous in every way of doing ,managing and teaching things ,conveying knowledge etc.

Edited by lucile83 on 07-06-2011 23:45

Re: Qualities of a teacher from aneth-estragon, posted on 08-06-2011 at 10:55:29 (D | E)
Hello, moqaddas

Just a remark :
You start your text with "teachers", why don't you carry on with the plural which would avoid having to choose between "he or she" ? Teachers can be male or female.

Re: Qualities of a teacher from moqaddas, posted on 08-06-2011 at 21:04:34 (D | E)

I tried to add some more ideas on my text after correcting it.
If I have forgotten anything essential please tell me and if you want to give me more ideas,you are welcome and thanks for that.

It is said "The first institution for a child is his mother's lap",It's true but children imitate their teachers too;'"TEACHERS" who are supposed to be spiritual parents for children.

Teachers must be perfect persons in their characters for children.Here I tried to summarize qualities of a best teacher.
Their method of teaching or conveying knowledge should be very impressive and intellectual.They should teach and prove everything rationally.
They should be practical and should teach their students to be practical to spend life in this materialistic world.Moreover they should act upon according to their sayings and words before her students as if they wants to teach their students to be punctual ; they must be punctual at any rate.
They shouldn't be strict so much so that students could ask any question/and make quarry easily regarding their studies.
But they should be strict to make them follow rules and regulations of any kind so that students could learn to be restricted/to control themselves in any situation.
They should arrange discussions in the classroom to enhance the listening and speaking skills in her students so that they could speak truth and reject the lies.
They should arrange trips to historical and delectable places to meet the historical and cordial needs of her students.They must arrange discussion on places of trip and while choosing the place she must consider the taste of their students.
They should be polite and courtious and never involve in any quarrel and negative discussions.They are supposed to teach manners to the students so they must be cool ,if there is any conflict between them and others ,they must try to solve that conflict in friendly way.They should bear the rudeness of other members positively and never show before children that they have any conflict with others,that's difficult to bear others but they can teach their students to be dare person.
They should be a good sense of humor,They must use pleasant and ironical stories to convey a good message to students.
They should be religious to make the students aware of their religion as religion plays a great role in building characters of students.
In addition teachers must be patriot and tell emotional stories about national heroes to the pupils to make them involved in history of their country and they should make the students aware of their duties as a native.
In brief/In short teachers must be perfect and fabulous in every way of doing ,managing and teaching things ,conveying knowledge etc...

Edited by lucile83 on 08-06-2011 21:07

Re: Qualities of a teacher from may, posted on 11-06-2011 at 02:31:54 (D | E)

It is said "The first institution for a child is his mother's lap",a period instead of comma It's true an exclamation but children imitate their teachers too;'"TEACHERS" who/ the pronoun is not necessary here, since only one independent sentence are supposed to be spiritual parents for children.

Teachers must be perfect persons in their characters for children.Here I tried to summarize qualities of (a) best teachers.
Their method of teaching or conveying knowledge should be very impressive and intellectual.They should teach and prove everything rationally.
They should be practical and should teach their students to be practical to spend life in this materialistic world.Moreover they should act upon according to their sayings and their words before her students period and start a new sentence as if/If they wants to teach their students to be punctual ; they must be punctual at any rate.
They shouldn't be strict/an adverb so/too much so that students could ask any question/and make quarry (did you mean queries?) easily regarding their studies.
But they should strictly be strict to make them/students? follow rules and regulations of any kind so that students/they could learn to be restricted/to control themselves in any situation.
They should arrange discussions in the classroom to enhance the listening and speaking/oral skills in/another prep. her students so that they could speak/another verb..... truth and reject the lies.
They should arrange trips to historical and delectable places to meet the historical and cordial needs of her students.They must arrange discussion on places of trip and while choosing the place she must consider the taste of their students.
They should be polite and courtious and never involve in any quarrel and negative discussions.They are supposed to teach manners to the students so they must be cool ,if there is any conflict between them and others ,they must try to solve that conflict in friendly ways.They should bear the rudeness of other members positively and never show before children that they have any conflict with others,start another sentence that's difficult to bear others but they can teach their students to be dare person/choose other words.
They should be/another verb a good sense of humor,They must use pleasant and ironical stories to convey a good messages to students.
They should be religious to make the students aware of their religion as religion plays a great role in building characters of students.
In addition comma teachers must be patriot and tell emotional stories about national heroes to the pupils to make them involved in history of their country and they should make the students aware of their duties as a native.
In brief/In short teachers must be perfect and fabulous in every way of doing ,managing and teaching things ,conveying knowledge etc...

Would you revise all your punctuations? There are always spaces in between..

Very good your text! However, a lot of Should and Must for teachers!!!!!
Best wishes.

Re: Qualities of a teacher from moqaddas, posted on 11-06-2011 at 21:20:27 (D | E)

It is said "The first institution for a child is his mother's lap".It's true!but children imitate their teachers too;'"TEACHERS" are supposed to be spiritual parents for children.

Teachers must be perfect persons in their characters for children.Here I tried to summarize qualities of best teachers.
Their method of teaching or conveying knowledge should be very impressive and intellectual.They should teach and prove everything rationally.
They should be practical and should teach their students to be practical to spend life in this materialistic world.Moreover they should act according to their sayings and their words before students.If they want to teach their students to be punctual ; they must be punctual at any rate.
They shouldn't be over strictly too much so that students could ask any question/and make queries easily regarding their studies.
But they should strictly make the students follow rules and regulations of any kind so that they could learn to be restricted/to control themselves in any situation.
They should arrange discussions in the classroom to enhance listening and speaking/oral skills in their students so that they could speak truth and reject the lies.
They should arrange trips to historical and delectable places to meet the historical and cordial needs of their students.They must arrange discussion on places of trip and while choosing the place they must consider the taste of their students.
They should be polite and courteous and never involve in any quarrel and negative discussions.They are supposed to teach manners to the students so they must be cool ,if there is any conflict between them and others ,they must try to solve that conflict in friendly ways.They should bear the rudeness of other members positively and never show before children that they have any conflict with others.That's difficult to bear others but they can teach their students to be strong and self-controlled.
They should have a good sense of humor,They must use pleasant and ironical stories to convey a good messages to students.
They should be religious to make the students aware of their religion as religion plays a great role in building characters of students.
In addition,teachers must be patriot and tell emotional stories about national heroes to the pupils to make them involved in history of their country and they should make the students aware of their duties as a native.
In brief/In short teachers must be perfect and fabulous in every way of doing ,managing and teaching things ,conveying knowledge etc...

Thank you for your response to my post.
I tried my best to follow your instructions,still if I am wrong please tell me about...

Edited by lucile83 on 11-06-2011 21:25

Re: Qualities of a teacher from may, posted on 12-06-2011 at 01:44:33 (D | E)

It is said "The first institution for a child is his mother's lap".It's true!but children imitate their teachers too;'"TEACHERS" are supposed to be spiritual parents for children.

Teachers must be perfect persons in their characters for children.Here I tried (verb in present tense) to summarize qualities of best teachers.
Their method of teaching or conveying knowledge should be very impressive and intellectual.They should teach and prove everything rationally.
They should be practical and should teach their students to be practical to spend life in this materialistic/material world.Moreover they should act according to their sayings and their words before students.If they want to teach their students to be punctual;comma instead of semi-colon they must be punctual at any rate.
They shouldn't be (over) strictly too much so that students could ask any questionS/and make queries easily regarding their studies.
But they should strictly (I suggest severely) make the students follow rules and regulations of any kind so that they could learn to be restricted/to control themselves in any situation.
They should arrange discussions in the classroom to enhance students' abilities in listening and speaking oral skills (in their students) so that they could (speak) tell the? truth and reject the lies.
They should arrange trips to historical and delectable places to meet the historical and cordial needs of their students.They must arrange discussion on places of trip and while choosing the place they must consider (the taste of their students) students' selection.
They should be polite and courteous and never involve in any quarrel and negative discussions.They are supposed to teach manners to the students so they must be cool no space here,(if) and in case there is any conflict between them and definite article others ,they must try to solve that conflict in friendly ways.They should bear the rudeness of other members positively (and never show before children that they have any conflict with others)...you won't need the phrase in rose since the idea is repeated.(That's) It's very difficult to bear definite article others but they can teach their students to be strong and self-controlled.
They should have a good sense of humor, and They must use pleasant and ironical stories to convey( a )good messages to students.
They should be religious to make the students aware of their religion as religion plays a great role in building characters of students.
In addition,teachers must be patriot and tell emotional stories about national heroes (to the pupils) to make (them) students involved in history of their country and they should make the students aware of their duties as a native.
In brief/In short teachers must be perfect and fabulous in every way of doing,managing and teaching things,conveying knowledge etc...

is where you need a space
(...) to be left out

Well done

Re: Qualities of a teacher from mirthly8, posted on 15-06-2011 at 04:12:48 (D | E)
Hello ,

when I first read your letter,I thought there are many 'musts 'to teachers. Teacher at first is a human,so they have rights to bear shorts.There is no perfect man in the world.

Edited by lucile83 on 20-06-2011 06:13

Re: Qualities of a teacher from moqaddas, posted on 17-06-2011 at 20:12:16 (D | E)
It is said "The first institution for a child is his mother's lap". It's true! but children imitate their teachers too;'"TEACHERS" are supposed to be spiritual parents for children.

Teachers must be perfect persons in their characters for children. Here I am trying to summarize qualities of best teachers.
Their method of teaching or conveying knowledge should be very impressive and intellectual. They should teach and prove everything rationally.
They should be practical and should teach their students to be practical to spend life in this materialistic/material world. Moreover they should act according to their sayings and their words before students. If they want to teach their students to be punctual , they must be punctual at any rate.
They shouldn't be over strictly too much so that students could ask any questions/and make queries easily regarding their studies.
But they should severely make the students follow rules and regulations of any kind so that they could learn to be restricted/to control themselves in any situation.
They should arrange discussions in the classroom to enhance students' abilities in listening and oral skills so that they could tell the truth and reject the lies.
They should arrange trips to historical and delectable places to meet the historical and cordial needs of their students. They must arrange discussion on places of trip and while choosing the place they must consider students' selection.
They should be polite and courteous and never involve in any quarrel and negative discussions. They are supposed to teach manners to the students so they must be cool,and in case there is any conflict between them and the others, they must try to solve that conflict in friendly ways. They should bear the rudeness of other members positively. It's very difficult to bear the others but they can teach their students to be strong and self-controlled.
They should have a good sense of humor, and they must use pleasant and ironical stories to convey good messages to students.
They should be religious to make the students aware of their religion as religion plays a great role in building characters of students.
In addition, teachers must be patriot and tell emotional stories about national heroes to make students involved in history of their country and they should make the students aware of their duties as a native.
In brief/In short teachers must be perfect and fabulous in every way of doing, managing and teaching things, conveying knowledge etc.
Sir, I tried my best to follow your instructions and if there are more mistakes after all that then tell me again and Thanks a lot for your kind instructions and for bearing my mistakes;)

Re: Qualities of a teacher from may, posted on 18-06-2011 at 01:40:44 (D | E)

to spend life in this materialistic material world.
They shouldn't be over strictly too much (either over or too much, not both).
They should be religious to make the students aware of their religion as religion plays a great role in building characters of students their characters
...to make students involved in history of their country and they should make the students them aware of their duties as a native.
You're very welcome! However, does May sound very "sir" to you?

Re: Qualities of a teacher from moqaddas, posted on 18-06-2011 at 22:18:31 (D | E)
It is said "The first institution for a child is his mother's lap". It's true! but children imitate their teachers too;'"TEACHERS" are supposed to be spiritual parents for children.

Teachers must be perfect persons in their characters for children. Here I am trying to summarize qualities of best teachers.
Their method of teaching or conveying knowledge should be very impressive and intellectual. They should teach and prove everything rationally.
They should be practical and should teach their students to be practical to spend life in this material world. Moreover they should act according to their sayings and their words before students. If they want to teach their students to be punctual , they must be punctual at any rate.
They shouldn't be over strictly so that students could ask any questions/and make queries easily regarding their studies.
But they should severely make the students follow rules and regulations of any kind so that they could learn to be restricted/to control themselves in any situation.
They should arrange discussions in the classroom to enhance students' abilities in listening and oral skills so that they could tell the truth and reject the lies.
They should arrange trips to historical and delectable places to meet the historical and cordial needs of their students. They must arrange discussion on places of trip and while choosing the place they must consider students' selection.
They should be polite and courteous and never involve in any quarrel and negative discussions. They are supposed to teach manners to the students so they must be cool,and in case there is any conflict between them and the others, they must try to solve that conflict in friendly ways. They should bear the rudeness of other members positively. It's very difficult to bear the others but they can teach their students to be strong and self-controlled.
They should have a good sense of humor, and they must use pleasant and ironical stories to convey good messages to students.
They should be religious to make students aware of their religion as religion plays a great role in building their characters.
In addition, teachers must be patriot and tell emotional stories about national heroes to make students involved in history of their country and make them aware of their duties as a native.
In brief/In short teachers must be perfect and fabulous in every way of doing, managing and teaching things, conveying knowledge etc.

Sir May,
Again I tried my best to follow your instructions and may,is it any name?I don't know,I know just it is like May June July but Sir May is better ,I think so,by the way what will you like to be called?

Re: Qualities of a teacher from may, posted on 19-06-2011 at 03:06:14 (D | E)
I think it's very good then...
About "Sir", I give you this link Lien Internet
and just a reminder that "like" is not supposed to be in future tense.
Best wishes.

Re: Qualities of a teacher from lucile83, posted on 19-06-2011 at 09:41:57 (D | E)
Hello moqaddas,
I think may would like to be called may, or at least Madam

Re: Qualities of a teacher from moqaddas, posted on 19-06-2011 at 18:54:43 (D | E)
Hello Madam May,
I didn't know that you are female,sorry for calling you Sir.Madam May is better I think so,Is it okay
And again thanks a lot for correcting my mistakes,I know I make many mistakes because I am not good at English but I am trying to be better and 'Qualities of a teacher' was my first attempt to write something in English and thanks a lot for your kind instructions and consideration.
Hope to see your positive response on my next post which I am trying to get ready.
Best wishes

Re: Qualities of a teacher from moqaddas, posted on 19-06-2011 at 19:05:48 (D | E)
Hello Sir/Madam lucile83,
Thanks a lot for correcting my mistake and I called you Sir/Madam both because I don't know who are you are

Edited by lucile83 on 19-06-2011 20:13

Re: Qualities of a teacher from lucile83, posted on 19-06-2011 at 20:17:59 (D | E)
Hello moqaddas,

If you want to know who is who, you just click on the pseudonym and then you can read the profile.
You'll see I am a F = lady/female/femme in French or fille if younger than I am....
Best wishes!

Re: Qualities of a teacher from may, posted on 20-06-2011 at 01:34:38 (D | E)
Hello mogaddas,

There's nothing serious about how you want to call me, and as Lucile did show you how to know "what is what"... "who is who"
By the way, I would say your English is very good and of course we're all waiting for your next posting. I really appreciate your appreciation.
All the best.

Re: Qualities of a teacher from moqaddas, posted on 20-06-2011 at 21:35:50 (D | E)
Hello Madam may and lucile83,
A bundle of thanks for both of you for encouraging and giving me information about how to know "What is what"
Again a lot of thanks

Edited by lucile83 on 20-06-2011 21:38

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