Mine or my help
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Message from numero posted on 25-05-2011 at 02:36:46 (D | E | F)
I need help please;
Shall I say mine or my?
These are my books
These books are mine
is there an order you would use these sentences in or is it ok to use both?
Many thanks in advance.
Edited by lucile83 on 25-05-2011 05:44
Re: Mine or my help from notrepere, posted on 25-05-2011 at 04:47:22 (D | E)

These sentences mean the same thing.
These are my books.
These books are mine.
As a possessive determiner, 'my' is always used before a noun: my books, my keys, my car, my homework
Mine is a possessive pronoun.
Edited by notrepere on 25-05-2011 17:31
I think there is an echo in this forum.

Re: Mine or my help from queenpeggy, posted on 25-05-2011 at 14:50:51 (D | E)
You can say these are my books.
Or these books are mine.
It is then stated that the books are yours

Edited by lucile83 on 25-05-2011 15:56
Re: Mine or my help from may, posted on 28-05-2011 at 02:24:51 (D | E)
I need help please;
Shall I say mine or my?
Well, I would agree (as above) that you can use both as they're perfectly done in your two sentences. However, we'd better determine the proper use of possessive pronouns Mine, Yours,......
According to me, the phrase These books are mine (my books) is a bit wordy. I'd prefer to see them in sentences like these:
These are my books. Those are yours.
Those are your books. These are mine. They are mine.
Let me choose my books first then you choose yours.
Edited by may on 28-05-2011 02:26
Re: Mine or my help from smartway, posted on 28-05-2011 at 13:59:06 (D | E)
the two sentences are correct.
Edited by lucile83 on 28-05-2011 14:09
Cours gratuits > Forum > English only