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Essay/election of president

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Essay/election of president
Message from blackcat220 posted on 22-05-2011 at 18:19:03 (D | E | F)

Could you help me with my essay please?
Thank you for your answers.

The topic :
You are elected president .Give promises to the population that you will fight corruption .What measures would you take ?

Corruption is an evil that must be fought now ,so we have to react emediatly . to begin , I promise you that corruption will be eradicated in our country if only we work together . From the measures that i have made on my anti -corruption programme , firstly ,we have to rehabilitate the value of work , and we have to improve the living conditions of the civil servants .Next,i will edit stringent sanctions and serious punishments against corrupted people . on the other hand , we have to incit people to denounce corruption acts by participating in anti_ corruption campaigns . Finally , i will give the citizens the right to know how public funds are spent .
Thanks in advance

Edited by blackcat220 on 22-05-2011 18:49
Edited by lucile83 on 22-05-2011 19:48

Re: Essay/election of president from aneth-estragon, posted on 22-05-2011 at 19:46:35 (D | E)
The topic :You are elected president .Give promises to the population
that you will fight corruption .What measures would you take ?

Corruption is an evil that must be fought now ,so we have to react
emediatly (spelling).

to (capital letter) begin xxx (missing word), I promise you that corruption will be eradicated
in our country if only we work together .

From the measures that i (capital letter) have
made on my anti -corruption programme , firstly ,we have to rehabilitate
the value of work , and we have to improve the living conditions of (the)
civil servants .Next,i will edit (edict ?) stringent sanctions and serious
punishments (what difference do you make ?) against corrupted people . on (capital letter) the other hand (there was never the "one hand") , we have to
people to denounce corruption acts by participating in anti_
corruption campaigns . Finally , i will give the citizens the right to
know how public funds are spent .

Thanks in advance.

It was my pleasure, only hope I did it right !
Edited by lucile83 on 22-05-2011 19:52

Re: Essay/election of president from notrepere, posted on 23-05-2011 at 02:27:43 (D | E)

Aneth-Estragon's correction is good. I have two additional suggestions:

... against corrupt people ... to denounce acts of corruption ...

Re: Essay/election of president from blackcat220, posted on 23-05-2011 at 12:16:05 (D | E)

How pleasantly surprised I am by your help . Thank you very much for your help, you let me know the forum is really a good and friendly place to study English and make friends! Thanks a lot!!

Edited by lucile83 on 23-05-2011 12:41

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