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Message from natasjha posted on 12-04-2011 at 13:47:45 (D | E | F)
Please help me I want to know how do i I can ask someone in proper English:

with reference to the e-mail below, please advice if you had made any payment yet.

Edited by lucile83 on 12-04-2011 18:49

Re: Help/payment from dolfine56, posted on 12-04-2011 at 14:16:36 (D | E)
with reference to the e-mail below, please advice if you had made any payment yet
advice= conseil.
with reference to the e-mail below, would you please tell us (confirm )if you had made any payment yet.
see you.

Re: Help/payment from gerondif, posted on 12-04-2011 at 16:10:42 (D | E)
with reference to the e-mail below, could you please tell us if you have already made any payment yet ?
with reference to the e-mail below, could you please let us know if you have already made any payment yet.

Re: Help/payment from may, posted on 13-04-2011 at 02:01:40 (D | E)

In business correspondence, "advice/advise" could be used with the meaning of inform/notify, for instance:

Please advise if your payment has already been sent out. Thank you!

Please advise if you have already sent cheque for the outstanding amount. Thank you!

Following is your account statement. Please advise!


Re: Help/payment from ludmilla, posted on 14-04-2011 at 00:32:18 (D | E)
Dear Natasjha,

Your variant is quite alright. It is one of the ways you can express your advice. I find this one is also OK: ... please let me know if you have already made the payment.

Much success!

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Cours gratuits > Forum > English only

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