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CV anglais/ besoin de corrections

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CV anglais/ besoin de corrections
Message de jbgilet posté le 18-01-2011 à 02:30:48 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody,

Demain je serai sur londres, j'ai terminé la traduction de mon CV en anglais, mais j'ai peur d'avoir fait des fautes de construction, ou bien de ne pas être claire, pas compréhensible, de m'être trompé dans le choix de mot anglais, ou d'avoir fait des fautes de conjugaison.
Bref, j'ai peur quoi!

Donc, si vous pouviez prendre quelques minutes pour regarder cette petite page, ça serait cool.

Curriculum Vitae
Java Developer

Civil status

Name: xxxx
First name: Jean-Brice
Date of birth: 29 may 1985
E-mail: ***@****pour votre sécurité, les adresses emails sont interdites sur le site, merci de communiquer par messages privés****
Status: Male


2007-2009: MS of Science in Information Technology (2 years - sandwich course) xxxx, France
2005-2007: BTS in software engineering (equivalent to BTEC HND in computing) xxxx, France
2005: BAC in electrical engineering(equivalent to BTEC National Diploma) xxxx, France


xxxxx, Paris, Francexxxxx
Assignment at xxxxxx
Java Developer
Apr 2010 – Jan 2011
xxxx: Corrective and upgrade maintenance of an application making the management of customer accounts (income, stocks), deployed in every bank branch on 30000 computers.

→ Doing development of upgrades request and correction of defects.
→ Writing and maintaining automated QTP test scripts.
→ Writing functional and technical specification documents for upgrades request.
→ Participation in the testing and production phases.
→ Estimate the labour costs of upgrades request.

Technical environment:
Java 1.5, RAD7, WebSphere, Rational Rose, Quick Test Pro, Quality Center.

xxx, Paris, France
Assignment at xxx
Java Developer
Oct 2009 – Apr 2010
xxxx: Design and development of a monitoring application for xxxxx.

→ Development of the whole front end part.
→ Participation in the testing and production phases.
→ Management of the development team for technical tasks(RichFaces).
→ Building a xxxxx prototype implementing Flex+ EJB3+ Hibernate (R&D).

Technical environment:
Java 1.6, RichFaces, Spring, Hibernate, JMS, Active MQ, ESB, JBoss Portlets ,PostgreSQL 8, Maven 2, ITCore(EADS framework), Design Pattern(Factory, Observer),Flex 3, GraniteDS.

ARES, Paris, France(www.ares.fr)
Java Developer (vocational training)
June 2007 – Sept 2009
LUMM V2: Design and development of an application enabling to handle the medical records of the military personnel.

→ Writing technical documents about Seam framework.
→ Training my co-workers in the use of Seam framework.
→ Building a prototype implementing a three-tier architecture, using Seam:
Presentation Layer (RichFaces)
Business Layer(EJB3).
Data Access Layer Oracle 10G
→ Development of a “requester module” enabling to a novice to query the database.
→ Writing PL/SQL stored procedure and triggers for the database tier.
→ Participation in the testing and production phases.
→ Doing development of upgrades request and correction of defects.

Technical environment:
JAVA 1.5, JBoss EAP 4.2, Oracle 10G, JBoss Seam 2 (JSF, RichFaces, EJB3), Hibernate, JBoss Developer, Toad.
QUALIDATA: Design and development of a common, generic application, handling, for example, financial transactions, directory contacts, for any organisations, like political party.

→ Design of functionalities and associated JEE components.
→ Establishing functional requirements for the financial transactions module.
→ Writing functional and technical specification documents.
→ Implementing the three-tier architecture using:
Presentation Layer (JSF + Tiles)
Business Layer(Spring).
Data Access Layer PostgreSQL 8
→ Building the common application layout with Tiles framework.
→ Development of the financial transactions module.
→ Participation in the testing and production phases.
→ Experience of working in a client-facing environment.
→ Writing PL/SQL stored procedure and triggers for the database tier.
→ Doing development of upgrades request and correcti

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-01-2011 06:35


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