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Writing/wedding ring

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Writing/wedding ring
Message from steve_vai0 posted on 25-12-2010 at 23:50:55 (D | E | F)
Hello .

Could you please correct this writing?
Thank you very much for your help .

The wedding ring

Tom and Jully were loving couple ; One day Tom has chose one of the expensive ring to offer it to his only love at the wedding .

At the wedding he did offer the ring to July , the latter was in such surprised that almost she could faint in front of his husband .

The ring was for her the best and the precious thing in her life .

One day while July was cleaning up the house like every Saturday morning , the ring slipped from her finger without being aware of it , obviously she has continued the cleaning .

after like an hour while she was preparing the lunch she has noticed the ring was disappeared , she was surprised that she fell on the ground.

she started to look for it like a fool , she couldn't remember where could slipped from his finger , but After an hour of looking she has thought perhaps she could slip while she was cleaning and she threw it in the trash with the garbage .........

Edited by lucile83 on 26-12-2010 08:02

Re: Writing/wedding ring from alphonse46, posted on 26-12-2010 at 09:59:52 (D | E)
Good morning Steve

loving couple/ a loving couple
has chose/ 'to choose, chose, chosen', but here:Tom chose
one of the expensive/ one of the most expensive
he did offer the ring to July/he offered the ring to Jully
in such surprised/ so surprised
that almost she could faint/ that she should almost faint
'for her' isn't useful: it's obviously for her
like Saturday / as every Saturday
her finger without/ her finger, without
obviously she has continued/ she has obviously continued, but the action is nowadays finished, so that isn't the good tense: you have to modify ' has continued' to another tense
after like an hour/after about an hour
preparing the lunch/ preparing lunch
she has noticed/ she noticed
was disappeared/has disappeared
she was surprised/she was so surprised
she started to look: I prefer:she started looking
could slipped/ could have slipped, but what was slipping ?
his finger/ she is a woman, isn't she?/ her finger
but After/ but after
after an hour of looking/after a one-hour search
she has thought/ she thought
she could slip: Jully or the ring? She or it?
and she threw it/ and could have thrown it
in the trash/into the trashcan
with the garbage/among the garbage
in another order, 'can' isn't the best verb:
could have slipped, or might have slipped

Edited by alphonse46 on 26-12-2010 11:00
Edited by lucile83 on 26-12-2010 21:37

Re: Writing/wedding ring from steve_vai0, posted on 26-12-2010 at 19:34:33 (D | E)
thank you very much
the correction is clear, I think I have a problem of confusion between past and present perfect

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