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Message from steve_vai0 posted on 16-12-2010 at 02:56:03 (D | E | F)
Hello ,
Could you please correct this these sentences ,
and thanks a lot for your answers .

- Everyday I walk to the school, and I arrive at 13:00 o'clock , I talk to my friend in English class , but we must be quit when the bell rings .
- I like to be in Computer science's course, because it makes my brain works so hard than other course.
- The programming's professor find a lot of difficulties explaining to us the lessons , indeed isn't easy to explain it's like Mathematics .
- Director of the school decided to help us in our exercises every Tuesday morning .
- I go always to the school after my work by train , sometimes I arrive before the rings of bell .
- When our professor give us ten minutes of break , I take the opportunity to call one of my friends, just in order to forget the stress of the lessons .
- when we hear from the teacher this phrase " This is the important thing in the lessons please pay attention" all of us look with attention and waiting what
he would say after.

Edited by lucile83 on 16-12-2010 10:37

Re: Sentences/corrections from notrepere, posted on 16-12-2010 at 03:24:38 (D | E)

Could you please correct these sentences.
Thanks a lot for your help.

- Everyday [Two separate words; 'Everyday' is an adjective] I walk to the school, and I arrive at 13:00 o'clock [* see below], [period] I talk to my friend in English class , but we must be quit [spelling] when the bell rings.
- I like to be in my Computer Science's course, because it makes my brain works [agreement] (so) hard [use 'hard' in the comparative form] than other course [plural].
- The programming's professor find [present perfect] a lot of difficulties explaining to us [put this after 'the lessons'] the lessons[period] Indeed, it isn't easy to explain because it's like Mathematics.
- [Article] Director of the school decided [present perfect] to help us in ['with' is better] our exercises every Tuesday morning.
- I go always [put this before the verb] to the school after my work [put this after 'by train'] by train , [need a conjunction 'and' or a semi-colon] sometimes I arrive before the rings of bell [order of words: noun + verb].
- When our professor give [agreement] us a ten minutes of break [Not very natural; a four-minute mile; a two-minute rest ...], I take the opportunity to call one of my friends, just in order to forget the stress of the lessons.
- when we hear from the teacher [put this after 'this phrase'] this phrase[comma] all of us look with attention and waiting [Better: 'pay attention to'] what he would say [agreement] after next [colon] " This is the important thing in the lessons[comma] please pay attention".

* You can say:

13:00 hours
1 p.m.
1 o'clock p.m.
but NOT 13:00 o'clock

Re: Sentences/corrections from steve_vai0, posted on 16-12-2010 at 03:51:33 (D | E)
thank you so much ..

Re: Sentences/corrections from may, posted on 18-12-2010 at 03:49:42 (D | E)


13h is fine, though.

Good night,

Re: Sentences/corrections from may, posted on 20-12-2010 at 02:48:13 (D | E)

And then we can say ...at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Good night,

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