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mary123456/English penpal

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mary123456/English penpal
Message de mary123456 posté le 11-12-2010 à 06:53:56 (S | E | F)
I search for found some people who want help me to practice my english.
I really want learn english but I live in a french city and the better way to learn it's with the other person.
I can help for french!
I'm studding in psychology, I love sport, music and more.
Thank you!
I need to learn fast because in august I will go in South Africa for to make of the volunteer but the world speaks that English.
Modifié par bridg le 11-12-2010 07:18

Réponse: mary123456/English penpal de ramdam, postée le 11-12-2010 à 09:31:58 (S | E)

I'll be glad to help you.Just tell me what do expect from me.

Have a nice day.

Réponse: mary123456/English penpal de sandrine68, postée le 12-12-2010 à 20:21:19 (S | E)
hello Mary, I'm sandrine, I try to learn english too. I wish that we could speak together. I'm livin in Wallis and Futuna Islands.
Have a nice day.

Réponse: mary123456/English penpal de kimkim04, postée le 29-12-2010 à 23:27:10 (S | E)
hi swety we can learn and enjoy
nice to talk to u

Réponse: mary123456/English penpal de minaa5, postée le 03-01-2011 à 23:49:31 (S | E)
I'm searching a penpal too if you want we can learn togheter i'm using skype or paltalk... write me back if you want!


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