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Help for an interview

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Help for an interview
Message from gygorz posted on 03-09-2010 at 09:19:03 (D | E | F)
Could you help me with my interview please?

interviewer: tell me why will I hire you?
me: hire me because I passed the qualifications that you are looking for.. my experience also is an advantage for doing the responsibilities for this position..
hire me, so that you'll see what can I contribute to this company.. and I promised you.. you'll not repent..

Please make a comment to my answer.. and don't hesitate to give corrections..hehe
Thank you.
Edited by lucile83 on 03-09-2010 09:44
Edited by bridg on 03-09-2010 14:05
Please, write "I" "i" doesn't exit.

Edited by lucile83 on 03-09-2010 14:15
'i' was part of the mistakes! they would have been corrected later I think!

Re: Help for an interview from notrepere, posted on 03-09-2010 at 18:14:41 (D | E)

interviewer: tell me why will I [order of words + 'will' is not the correct word choice; use 'should' instead] hire you?
me: hire me [The imperative form is not appropriate for a job interview; you should start with something like 'I think you should...'] because I passed the qualifications that you are looking for. my experience also is an advantage for doing [technically OK, but one generally talks of 'performing' ones job duties] the responsibilities for (of) this position.
[See above; you could use the word 'also']hire me, so that you'll see what can I contribute to this company, and I promised [Not past tense] you you'll not repent [Bad word choice; you can say 'regret it', 'be sorry'].
These letters should be capitalized.
Edited by notrepere on 03-09-2010 18:18

Re: Help for an interview from willy, posted on 03-09-2010 at 19:57:15 (D | E)

"You'll see what can I contribute": word order.

Re: Help for an interview from may, posted on 04-09-2010 at 01:58:08 (D | E)
Some suggestions:
Yours => I passed the qualifications that you are looking for
I had all the qualifications you are looking for
Yours => and I promised you.. you'll not repent.
and I believe you will not (or won't) ...(see notrepere's correction)
Good luck,

Re: Help for an interview from gygorz, posted on 04-09-2010 at 19:48:56 (D | E)

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