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Scrambled words '76'

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Scrambled words '76'
Message de marit64 posté le 26-08-2010 à 20:16:51 (S | E | F)

Not being able to give you the exercise Wednesday made me feel sad. I was on a trip and I came back later than I had thought. Please, I beg your pardon.

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide mouth. ..... (ajr)
2- A doctor who specializes in obstetrics. ..... (aeiionttbrsc)
3- A type of climbing evergreen plant with shiny leaves that grows up trees and walls. ..... (viy)
4- A room at the top of a house under the roof. ..... (tctai)
5- To drink by licking with the tongue. ..... (alp)
6- In machinery etc, small steel balls that help the revolving of one part over another. ..... (raabbne-gllsi)
7- A synonym of "foolish". ..... (lslyi)
8- A structure or place in which birds hatch or give birth to and look after their young. ..... (snte)
9- To advise someone against doing something. ..... (rwna)
10- To gain or reach successfully. ..... (heceaiv)

Good luck and have fun!

I don't have any trip next week. You'll get your next exercise on Wednesday.

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '76' de eos17, postée le 26-08-2010 à 20:42:43 (S | E)
hello marit
Thank you for the correction
5-To lap
6-Ball bearings
9-To warn
10- To achieve
Good trip and have fun .

Réponse: Scrambled words '76' de headway, postée le 27-08-2010 à 10:11:39 (S | E)
Hi Marit,

1- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide mouth. ..... Jar
2- A doctor who specializes in obstetrics. ..... Obstetrician
3- A type of climbing evergreen plant with shiny leaves that grows up trees and walls. ..... Ivy
4- A room at the top of a house under the roof. .....Attic
5- To drink by licking with the tongue. ..... Lap
6- In machinery etc, small steel balls that help the revolving of one part over another. ..... Ball-bearings
7- A synonym of "foolish". .....Silly
8- A structure or place in which birds hatch or give birth to and look after their young. ..... Nest
9- To advise someone against doing something. ..... Warn
10- To gain or reach successfully. ..... Achieve

Have a great week.


Réponse: Scrambled words '76' de nina80, postée le 27-08-2010 à 17:10:06 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1 - jar
2 - obstetrician
3 - ivy
4 - attic
5 - to lap
6 - ball-bearings
7 - silly
8 - nest
9 - to warm
10- to achieve

Réponse: Scrambled words '76' de dolfine56, postée le 31-08-2010 à 11:56:02 (S | E)
Hello dear marit,
Nice to see you back...the main thing is you enjoyed your trip..

1- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide mouth. ...a jar
2- A doctor who specializes in obstetrics. ...an obstetrician
3- A type of climbing evergreen plant with shiny leaves that grows up trees and walls. ...ivy
4- A room at the top of a house under the roof. ...the attic
5- To drink by licking with the tongue. ...to lap,like a cat
6- In machinery etc, small steel balls that help the revolving of one part over another. ...a ball-bearings
7- A synonym of "foolish". ...silly
8- A structure or place in which birds hatch or give birth to and look after their young. ...a nest
9- To advise someone against doing something. ...to warm
10- To gain or reach successfully. ...to achieve
thanks a lot dear marit, have a nice week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '76' de violet91, postée le 31-08-2010 à 16:54:26 (S | E)

Hello dear marit from" Montreal",

Back home...Je t'envoie des parfums d'océan atlantique et des couleurs de bel été : azur, turquoise, sable blond et soleil éclatant , désormais engrangés dans ma mémoire de "fausse parisienne" !..Merci à toi de ces exercices sympathiques.

1 ) Jar : like a jam jar.
2 ) Obstetrician : like the one who works with a wise woman..euh.a midwife.
3 ) Ivy : like the one entirely covering the Van Gogh brothers' graves in Auvers / Oise.A gift by Docteur Gachet.
4 ) Attic : like the favourite secret place up there in their grand'mas' houses where little girls always find fantastic treasures in trunks.
5 ) To lap : like a little kitten on my lap with its tiny pink tongue.
6 ) Ball-bearings : like the mechanic's special.
7 ) Silly : like Billy. Almost like the Scilly Islands.(facing Cornwall)
8 ) Nest : like a proper hospital for "cuckoos"(mad people).
9 ) Warn : like one of the civil verb French and Mediterranean people had better learn again.
10 ) To achieve : like your pleasure with so many candidates interested in your game!

See you..


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