jessi /English penfriend
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jessi /English penfriend
Message de jessi posté le 22-08-2010 à 07:26:15 (S | E | F)
eh,of course it's just a fact i'm a 23-year -old chinese girl,but i really wanna find a friend who is good at english to help!as you see,i'm not good at english,especially spoken english.and i'm so shy that this is my first time to speak in froum.if somebody responses me,i'll be happy!
Edited by lucile83 on 22-08-2010 08:39
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Message de jessi posté le 22-08-2010 à 07:26:15 (S | E | F)
eh,of course it's just a fact i'm a 23-year -old chinese girl,but i really wanna find a friend who is good at english to help!as you see,i'm not good at english,especially spoken english.and i'm so shy that this is my first time to speak in froum.if somebody responses me,i'll be happy!
Edited by lucile83 on 22-08-2010 08:39
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Réponse: jessi /English penfriend de liliane33, postée le 23-08-2010 à 16:17:21 (S | E)
hi! I'll be happy to help!
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