Achat - English correspondent
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Achat - English correspondent
Message de achat posté le 04-08-2010 à 16:50:29 (S | E | F)
Good morning.
I'm a cameroonian. It's true thath my country is bilingual (english and french). I want anybody to help me improving my english language, no problem about your country. If you have a certain level in english and want to help me, it would be good for you and me.
Thank you in advance.
Message de achat posté le 04-08-2010 à 16:50:29 (S | E | F)
Good morning.
I'm a cameroonian. It's true thath my country is bilingual (english and french). I want anybody to help me improving my english language, no problem about your country. If you have a certain level in english and want to help me, it would be good for you and me.
Thank you in advance.
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