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Scrambled words '72'

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Scrambled words '72'
Message de marit64 posté le 28-07-2010 à 21:38:30 (S | E | F)


Unscramble the words to find the right answer:

1- To hit or strike out with the foot. ..... (ckki)
2- The opposite of outdoor. ..... (oirnod)
3- To give away a secret etc. ..... (aeybrt)
4- A group of simple plants which includes seaweed. ..... (elaag)
5- A large organ in the body which purifies the blood. ..... (elrvi)
6- To draw a line under. ..... (rnnuldeie)
7- A loop in rope, wire etc that becomes tighter when pulled. ..... (snoeo)
8- A place where baking is done and/or where bread, cakes etc are sold. ..... (krbaye)
9- The liquid that forms in the mouth to help digestion. ..... (lvsaia)
10- To make, or become, wide or wider. ..... (dwnei)

Good luck and have fun!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '72' de headway, postée le 28-07-2010 à 21:45:12 (S | E)
Hi Marit,

1- To hit or strike out with the foot. ..... (ckki)Kick
2- The opposite of outdoor. ..... (oirnod)Indoor
3- To give away a secret etc. ..... (aeybrt)Betray
4- A group of simple plants which includes seaweed. ..... (elaag)Algae
5- A large organ in the body which purifies the blood. ..... (elrvi)Liver
6- To draw a line under. ..... (rnnuldeie)Underline
7- A loop in rope, wire etc that becomes tighter when pulled. ..... (snoeo)noose
8- A place where baking is done and/or where bread, cakes etc are sold. ..... (krbaye)Bakery
9- The liquid that forms in the mouth to help digestion. ..... (lvsaia)Saliva
10- To make, or become, wide or wider. ..... (dwnei)Widen

Réponse: Scrambled words '72' de dolfine56, postée le 29-07-2010 à 10:53:53 (S | E)
Hello dear marit,
what's up?

1- To hit or strike out with the foot. ...to kick
2- The opposite of outdoor. ...indoor
3- To give away a secret etc. ...to betray
4- A group of simple plants which includes seaweed. ...algae
5- A large organ in the body which purifies the blood. ...the liver
6- To draw a line under. ...to underline
7- A loop in rope, wire etc that becomes tighter when pulled. ...a noose
8- A place where baking is done and/or where bread, cakes etc are sold. ...a bakery
9- The liquid that forms in the mouth to help digestion. ...the saliva
10- To make, or become, wide or wider. ...to widen.
Many thanks for these holidays works....

Réponse: Scrambled words '72' de eos17, postée le 29-07-2010 à 18:36:14 (S | E)
Hello marit
How are you ?
Here my words
1-To kick
3-To betray
6-To underline
10-To widen
see you soon .

Réponse: Scrambled words '72' de nina80, postée le 30-07-2010 à 17:30:08 (S | E)
Dear Marit,

1 - to kick
2 - indoor
3 - to betray
4 - algae
5 - liver
6 - to underline
7 - noose
8 - backery
9 - saliva
10- to widen


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