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Abigale/Corres anglophones

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Abigale/Corres anglophones
Message de anahid posté le 24-07-2010 à 18:31:35 (S | E | F)

Hi, abigale this is me yours grandma Before I went to school in our classroom we had 20 years old and 70 years old student because doesn't matter how old you are We are friend for learn I know I did too many mistakes if you can help me I am will be glad Sometimes I don't know how to frame a sentence. I learn American English and I confuse in British little different grammar and too many words not similar but people understand each other this is the same language. Why do you knew people from Armenia know speak in English They never in their country used speak in English. Only after separate union soviet they used for business and learn English do you know where is Armenia. This is small country has your culture and customs and Armenian language different is than other one.I have two friends they are from China. Do you have a Skype?
We can sometimes speak. Anahid
Edited by bridg on 24-07-2010 18:37


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