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Message from sophyrose posted on 19-07-2010 at 09:39:49

what's the meaning of “at the moment“

Edited by bridg on 19-07-2010 16:01
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Re: Help by headway, posted on 19-07-2010 at 09:45:44

Double click on 'moment' and you'll get various translations.


Edited by headway on 19-07-2010 10:09

Re: Help by franglais1, posted on 19-07-2010 at 10:07:48
synonym : actually

Re: Help by brettdallen, posted on 19-07-2010 at 12:21:36
I'm sorry to say: "actually" is not synonymous of "at the moment"! "at the moment" means "currently", "now" or even "these days" whereas "actually" means "in fact" and is often used to soften what you're saying, especially if you're correcting someone(or even yourself).
Hope this helps.

Re: Help by franglais1, posted on 19-07-2010 at 14:43:46
Indeed, you're just right....

Thanks for this

Re: Help by franglais1, posted on 19-07-2010 at 14:56:20
And, as I answered, this is 100 % right

Sometimes I'd rather just not answer, however this is another way to improve ourself isn't it ?

Edited by franglais1 on 19-07-2010 14:57

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