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In/at the factory/distinction

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In/at the factory/distinction
Message from kenkou posted on 12-06-2010 at 17:07:24 (D | E | F)

In google,I found both these phrases in use:

in/at the factory

but they really confuse me;which one is right or in other words,which one is more frequently used?

Thank you for your answers.

Edited by kenkou on 12-06-2010 17:07

Edited by lucile83 on 12-06-2010 17:12

Re: In/at the factory/distinction from lucile83, posted on 12-06-2010 at 21:27:24 (D | E)
They are both correct; it depends on what you want to say.

There is no huge difference.


Re: In/at the factory/distinction from jonquille, posted on 12-06-2010 at 22:43:06 (D | E)

in/at the factory - both are ok

Sometimes there is a slight difference in meaning (nuance):

I work in the factory = I am most definitely in the factory building!
I work at the factory = I am most likely inside the building, but I might also be outside the factory!

Hope this helps more than confuses you!

Re: In/at the factory/distinction from gerondif, posted on 13-06-2010 at 20:38:40 (D | E)
I would say that "in" simply means that you are in the building whereas "at" means that you are at a certain place to do something, a specific activity:

I am in the garden, in that room, in the tube: simple locations.
I am at school (to work)
I am at the cinema: to watch a film
I am at the doctor's : to be cured.
I am at the factory: to work, to make money.
I am at work.

He works at the factory: you describe his activity
He works in a big factory: you specify if it is a big or a small building.
He works in a big factory, at workshop number three.

Sometimes, there is a difference in meaning:

He is at the hospital, he works at the hospital:
He has found a good job at the hospital.
He is in (the) hospital: as a patient, as a victim of an accident.
I ended up at the hospital: you took the wrong road, you didn't want to go there originally.
I ended up in hospital: because there was something wrong with your health.

The pupils are "at school" but if a dog comes into the school through an open door ,you will say : There is a dog in the school .

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