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council /English correspondent

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council /English correspondent
Message de council posté le 29-05-2010 à 13:46:19 (S | E | F)

Good evening,Ladies and Genglemen!

First,I have to introduce that I am a Chinese,English is my second language.In school,I have a good test in math,history and so on but except English.So,I want to learn English here,I hope everyone can help improve this project.

And I want to make friends there.I can have many foreign friends.This is very cool!


It is time for my favourite Tv program!I have to watch TV and see my favourite star Jay.

At last,have a good time.

Edited by lucile83 on 29-05-2010 13:51
title + forum

Réponse: council /English correspondent de council, postée le 29-05-2010 à 13:47:52 (S | E)
Sorry!In China is 19:47 now.

Réponse: council /English correspondent de lilly62, postée le 29-05-2010 à 20:11:14 (S | E)
I' m French but I can help you in English if you want =D

Réponse: council /English correspondent de oceane, postée le 29-05-2010 à 20:54:08 (S | E)
hello, i can help you in english even if i'm french.
answer me with a personal message
good bye


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