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Correction/English at the university (1)

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Correction/English at the university
Message from mawhiba posted on 27-05-2010 at 13:51:17

Hello everybody,

I would like to write a little bit about English as my second foreign language.

In the High school in the eighties I was good in English the thing which encouraged me to study it at the University, but after a brief momment and for a such reason I had chosen other domain; meanwile I have never neglected it I had ever studied it in Montreal for the winter session in the middle of ninethies.
Imagine after all these years I plan to study English at the university!

Would you mind correcting this text.
Thank you.

Edited by lucile83 on 01-06-2010 18:46

Edited by bridg on 10-07-2010 14:22

Re: Correction/English at the university by gerondif, posted on 27-05-2010 at 15:04:02

Hello everybody,

I would like to write a little bit about English as my second foreign language.

In the High school in the eighties I was good at in English, the thing which encouraged me to study it at the University, but after a brief moment (not very natural)(after a while / shortly afterwards/ some time later)and for a such reason (for such and such reasons / for so many reasons / for certain reasons) I had chosen (wrong tense, too far in the past! I chose)other domain;(sounds bizarre: I studied something else, I chose other fields of study) meanwhile I have never neglected it ;I had ever(wrong word you probably mean I even studied it ...) studied it in Montreal for the winter session in the middle of the nineties ninethies.
Imagine after all these years I plan to study English at the university!

Would you mind correcting this text ? (This expression "would you mind .... could be understood as a rather haughty or despising order, as in:Would you mind not smoking ! "Could you please correct my text ?" will be understood more as a polite request / thank you for correcting my test)
Thank you.

Re: Correction/English at the university by mawhiba, posted on 27-05-2010 at 17:35:46

Thank you gerondif for your correcion, it's quite nice from you.
concerning "I had ever studied it" of course I mean "I had even studied it".
I have a question about the tense, shall I use the simple past or the past perfect?

Thank you for your help.

Re: Correction/English at the university by notrepere, posted on 27-05-2010 at 17:41:53

I like to complain about sentences that are too long.

In the High school in the eighties I was good in English ... me to study it at the University,[.] But after a ...[follow the advice of Gerondif]... other domain;[.] Meanwhile (In the meantime,) I have never neglected it [and] I had even studied it in Montréal for the winter session ...

Edited by notrepere on 27-05-2010 17:42

Re: Correction/English at the university by gerondif, posted on 27-05-2010 at 17:44:36
I would put both verbs (I never neglected, I even studied) in the preterite, treating that as a distant memory,but a past perfect could make sense. (I have never neglected it, I had even studied it)
(nice of you)

Re: Correction/English at the university by notrepere, posted on 28-05-2010 at 03:59:22
I agree that both verbs would make most sense in the preterite.

Re: Correction/English at the university by may, posted on 30-05-2010 at 14:45:27
Good morning,

A little thought:

In the High school in the eighties,.....

In the eighties when I was in the High school,....

Edited by may on 02-06-2010 11:43

Re: Correction/English at the university by je_re_my, posted on 01-06-2010 at 22:39:07
I wouldn't use "the" before "high school" and "university". Otherwise you're referring to the buildings, not to the institutions you're part of.

Edited by lucile83 on 01-06-2010 22:44

Re: Correction/English at the university by may, posted on 02-06-2010 at 11:57:45
Good morning je re my,

You are right! I agree with you. However, look at the way mawhiba capitalized the word high ( which I forgot, excuse me!), I thought that she had the intention to emphasize the High school for some special reason, hadn't she?

Have a wonderful day,

Re: Correction/English at the university by notrepere, posted on 03-06-2010 at 05:22:20

Hello, Jeremy is right, except in American English, we also use "the" before the word "university" but not "college". Neither should be capitalized because they're not proper nouns. We generally only use the word "university" when we are speaking about a particular one.

When I was in high school in the eighties...

...while I was attending college...
...while I was attending the University of Wisconsin...
...when I was in college in the nineties...

Re: Correction/English at the university by may, posted on 15-06-2010 at 12:35:11
Good morning notrepere,

I see the warning , then I am almost speechless .

We all agree with je re my.

However, in this phrase In the eighties when I was in the High school,....I thought High probably was put as the proper name of her school.

We never know, do we?

Edited by may on 15-06-2010 15:16

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