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Oral d'anglais

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Oral d'anglais
Message de jenny777 posté le 26-05-2010 à 22:31:55 (S | E | F)

Bonjour je suis actuellement en licence et passe mon oral d'anglais bientôt, xxxxx et j'ai préparé un petit passage sur ma vie professionnelle, est-ce que vous pouvez me corriger et me dire si c'est compréhensible svp s'il vous plaît ???
merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

I am in third year of human resources and I am in training period in « reunion of the national museums », in service training. I work in this firm for three years, I do my last certificate here. During my daily, I organize trainings, I work with a lot of schools because we have around thirty young person alternately, and I also work on disability. I perform the daily stains of secretaryship such as letters, the telephone, displacements I decided to make my memo on the problem of disability, because it is a very interesting subject and that my leader had objective to recruit young disabled persons. At the end of my year, I like to leave in England to ameliorate my English which is very poor and that prevents me from continuing my studies. In my return, I plan to be able to work in a multinational firm.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2010 06:58
Les jugements de valeur ne sont pas admis sur le site.
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Réponse: Oral d'anglais de notrepere, postée le 26-05-2010 à 22:46:35 (S | E)

There are a number of bizarre choices of words in your paragraph. Did it come from an auto-translator?

During my daily,
I perform the daily stains
the telephone, displacements

You may want to include the French too so we'll have a clue how to help you.

Réponse: Oral d'anglais de violet91, postée le 26-05-2010 à 23:01:35 (S | E)
--Bonsoir jenny...attention à l'orth.et aux temps.(natures des mots aussi : travaillez avec un vrai dictionnaire..surtout pas de traducteur électronique!)
Et courage..quand on veut, on peut..

I am a third year's student of human resources and I am in a training period in « reunion of X national museums », in service training. I work(temps) in this firm for three years, I do (temps) my last certificate here. During my daily, I organize trainings, I work with a lot of schools because we have around thirty young person alternately, and I also work on disability. I perform the daily stains of secretaryship such as letters, the telephone, displacements I decided to make my memo on the problem of disability, because it is a very interesting subject and that my leader had objective leave in England to ameliorate my English which is very poor and that prevents me from continuing my studies. In my return, I plan to be able to work in a multinational firm.

vert : à revoir.bleu : fs. rouge: à corriger absolument. ..and so on.

Réponse: Oral d'anglais de gerondif, postée le 26-05-2010 à 23:07:45 (S | E)
Watch out ! a stain is une tache d'encre, de vin, pas une tâche au sens de un travail: a task, a duty ! un traducteur peut être néfaste.


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