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jane1906 /English correspondent

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jane1906 /English correspondent
Message de jane1906 posté le 21-05-2010 à 09:29:30 (S | E | F)

Hi =) My name is Jeanne ! I try to find a english pen pal to improve this language . French is my first language , so we could correct each other =) See you soon , i hope

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-05-2010 09:44

Réponse: jane1906 /English correspondent de loganbebe, postée le 28-05-2010 à 14:37:37 (S | E)
Hi Jeanne,
I am a bit disappointed. It seems that everyone is a french native speaker looking for an english or american native speaker. Bit sad but quite normal that in a french website we do not have many foreigner...
Anyway if you want to exchange in english or spanish or italian, you are more than welcome, and, if by any chance, you meet a nice and friendly english pen pal up for many contact, just let me know...

Réponse: jane1906 /English correspondent de jane1906, postée le 28-05-2010 à 17:21:23 (S | E)
Ok , no im sorry but i haven't find an English pen pal ! if i will find , are you sure i'll tell you ! Good luck ;)


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